Critical Evaluation of Research Design

Pick one peer-reviewed, academic journal article that is at least 15 pages in length, within the health care field. We are looking for larger-scale, quantitative studies so that we can glean as much information about the design as we possibly can. Here are some studies you do not want to pick for this assignment: studies that use qualitative methods, or studies that are aggregates of data gleaned from other studies, such as a meta-analysis. You want to pick studies that have human subjects and exemplify some of the designs we have covered in class (correlational, experimental, quasi-experimental, etc). Your goal for this final is to demonstrate to me that you have an ample understanding of how a study has been constructed from the bottom up. There is no page minimum, but you have to be detailed in each section (in other words, a couple of sentences for the description of each section will NOT do). At the end of this document is the exact format your final paper should follow.

Final Exam: Critically Evaluating Research Design

Compile the following in a single word document, properly labeling and providing a separate heading for each section, EXACTLY as it is structured below:
I. Introduction
1. Statement of the problem: The general problem area is stated clearly and unambiguously. The importance and significance of the problem area is discussed. This is the article’s topic/query. Include the research question. (5 points)


2. Literature citations and review: Pick three sources in the article’s literature review and summarize these here. Write up a paragraph for each containing the most important details regarding the study and how this information influenced the article you are analyzing. You will combine the information in all articles that you found useful, making sure to write it in essay format and use APA style with proper in-text citations. These sources will be provided at the end of this document in the References section as well. (5 points)


3. Statement of hypothesis:
A. Identify the hypothesis/hypotheses in the study you are analyzing.
B. Identify the direction of the relationship predicted in the hypothesis/hypotheses
C. Identify the Dependent, Independent, and Control variables
D. Identify the Unit of Analysis.
(10 points)
(If the study has more than one hypothesis, you have to include this information for all of them individually).


II. Methods
4. Sample section:

Target Population – What is the study’s target population? This is NOT the same as the
sample population. (5 points)


Sampling procedure specifications: What procedure is used for selecting units (e.g., subjects, records) for the study? Which sampling method is used in this study, and why? The population and sampling frame are described. (5 points)


Sample description: The study’s sample is described accurately and is appropriate (Go into detail about the sample: how many participants? Gender differences? Other?). Problems in contacting and measuring the sample are discussed. (5 points)


External validity considerations: Generalizability from the sample to the sampling frame and population is considered. – Can the results of this study be generalized to the wider population? Why or why not? (Be very careful with this, and really think of how applicable the study’s research findings can be in other settings.) (5 points)


5. Measurement section (Hint: Read Measurement section in Research Methods Knowledge Base website
Measurement: Operationalization of Variables- How does the study define AND measure each variable? This is usually found in the Methods section of an article. Independent, Dependent, and Control variables must all be accounted for, including both the formal definitions of each variable and its operationalization. If the study uses a survey or questionnaire to measure variables, you must be very precise about which questions measure which variables.
(10 points)


Qualitative Research: Does this study employ any qualitative methods? Why or why not? How does qualitative research differ from quantitative research? What is the difference between deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning, and how do these relate to quantitative and qualitative research and the methodologies employed by each? What are some qualitative data collection methods?

Go into great detail about qualitative research in this section, as the point is to prove to me that you are well versed in various types of research drawn from the class materials. A simple list of methods won’t do: really spend some time reading about and synthesizing what makes qualitative research so different from quantitative research, and just as vital to science in amassing a large body of knowledge. If the study does not employ qualitative research at all, make sure to explain why qualitative research is not applicable to the study. If qualitative measures are found within the study, the procedures for collecting the measures are described in detail. (10 points)


Extra Credit (10 points):
Reliability and validity: Identify the type of design within the study (see Research Methods Knowledge Base Week 5 readings). For reliability, you must specify what estimation procedure(s) the study used. For validity, focus on how the study assessed construct validity (in a later section, you will go into further detail about internal validity threats specifically, do not include those here).


III. Design and Procedures section
Design: Identify the type of design that the study is employing. Is it experimental? Quasi? Non? Why/why not? Is the design appropriate for this study? Why/why not? You must demonstrate that you understand the difference between these designs. Once you’ve identified the design, present it in notational form as well (find this in the research methods knowledge base). (10 points)


Internal validity: Threats to internal validity and how they are addressed by the design are discussed. Any threats to internal validity which are not well controlled are also considered. The threats to internal validity will depend on what type of design it is, you can find this information in the research methods knowledge base. Once you identify the design, it should be easy to identify the threats. If the study is so robust that it barely has any threats to internal validity, explain why, thoroughly, as this section is worth 10% of the entire assignment. (10 points)


Description of procedures: An overview of how the study was conducted. The sequence of events is described and you will explain why it is appropriate to the design. Sufficient information is included so that the essential features of the study could be replicated by another researcher. This is not to be a single short paragraph. You will want to go into great detail. (10 points)


IV. Funding and Data Sources

Funding Sources (5 sources needed): Research some organizations that you feel would be willing to fund the type of research presented in the study you are analyzing. They will have a submission guidelines page in their website for potential research grants. Summarize their guidelines (do not simply copy/paste; the information provided does not have to be extensive, just a quick overview).

Additionally, provide me with:

Data Sources (5 sources needed): Research some organizations which provide data for the type of research presented in the study you are analyzing. These can be the same organization as the funding organizations, but you must go into detail about the types of data available to researchers, aside from the funding.

Label these separately.

(5 points)


V. References

Provide list of references in APA style. (5 points)


Standards for Written Assignments

1. First person is not allowed in academic writing. Make sure to write “This author believes,” or “This author thinks,” when referring to your own opinions in sections of the paper that require it. It is not appropriate to say “I believe,” or “I think.”

2. A solid academic paper should contain a minimum amount of direct quotes. I’m interested in YOUR synthesis of the information, not the original source’s. Any paper with more than a 20% unoriginality score on Turnitin will be reviewed thoroughly. Always paraphrase.

3. For your final paper, you are expected to pick quality sources, which include up to date peer-reviewed journal articles, scholarly articles, textbooks, unbiased and respected news sources, and information found on governmental agency websites. No Wikipedia, no WebMD. If in doubt, email me to find out whether I will accept a source.

4. All references are to be written in APA style, sixth edition, including in-text citations. It is not necessary to use APA in your discussion postings unless you are using a direct quote).

Your final paper must include a title page with your Name, Class Name, Professor Name, and Date.

5. Minimum/Maximum Number of Pages Accepted for grading: For the final project, simply insert your answer into each section of the assignment. There is technically no page limit, you are simply expected to be thorough in every section.