Writing Application Paper

Writing Application Paper

The application papers are intended for you to examine one or two specific theoretical concepts introduced in the reading or in lecture and “apply” or “use” them to analyze a “real world” social issue found in the media (e.g., news media, movies, TV shows, social media, editorials among others. If you are not sure about your chosen artifact, please email me to receive confirmation). In writing each application paper you will be expected to demonstrate:

(1) an accurate understanding of your chosen concept(s). At this stage, you need to describe and explain the concept as it is presented in the textbook. In doing so, also present your point of view of the concept: Why did you select it? What makes this concept stand out to you?

(2) an ability to use the concepts to “frame” the social issue being presented. Basically, you’ll demonstrate how your chosen concepts help us to gain new insight into something that’s happening in the world today – or at least in mediated depictions of our world.
The Paper Should be Organized Using the Format Below Paper content and organization


Present what you are about to say in this essay.

Second Paragraph

Begin your analysis with a brief summary of one or two concepts of interest to you and link it to the appropriate concept(s). The concept(s) should be taken from assigned class readings, lectures, class activities, etc. Be sure to cite the source of your concept(s) following the APA citation format. Examples of the types of concepts I’m referring to here might be: Uncertainty Reduction Theory, Colonialization, Face Negotiation Theory, Adaptation, Sojourners, Cultural Identity among several others. Be explicit and if the concept has multiple aspects, focus on the parts that are relevant to your media text of analysis.

Transition sentence.

Third Paragraph

(2) Once you have clearly explained the concept(s), move onto a few paragraphs that describe or summarize the key part(s) of your chosen news article, radio story/program, TV show, or movie. You do not have to tell the reader everything about the article. You can just tell us about the most important facets of the artifact. These early paragraphs should merely summarize the information presented (wait until the next section to “apply” the concepts).

Fourth Paragraph

In this part of the paper, show how each concept is being illustrated in the news article, TV show, program, or movie. What part(s) made you think about each concept? The type of experience I’m referring to here is of the sort: “Hey! That sounds just like what we were reading and discussing last week.” Explain the connection. What made you see this link and help us to see it as you did? This takes some real critical thinking skill and is what is meant by “application.” You are using the reading concepts to help us solve (or “frame”) a particular social “puzzle” that arose in the news article, TV-show radio broadcast, or movie.

Note: Using specific quotes or scene descriptions will really help you to clearly demonstrate the connection to your concepts. A quote or two can help you to explain what specifically made you think that the concept was being illustrated in this particular part of the article, program, or movie.

Fifth Paragraph

(4) Conclude the paper with a summary of your main points. What insights do you want the reader to take away from your paper? What should the reader really remember about what you’ve said in the paper?

(5) Provide a reference page using APA citation format.

Assignment Details.

1. Single Space

3. Times New Roman

the textbook is ” Intercultural communication ” chapter 1-4