CMS Entrepreneurship Plan

CMS Entrepreneurship Plan

Project Analysis:

The business project must provide references to all supporting documentation, quotes, statistics, market data, graphs, a conclusion sheet at the end, and especially in APA format.

Specific objectives to start a business from scratch.

Starting and running a business requires significant research and planning. Lack of planning is one of the main causes of business failures. To formalize a business idea into a realistic opportunity, management professionals must invest time and effort to understand and evaluate the industry and market conditions. The financial analysis will evaluate the viability, stability, and profitability of a business, sub-business, or project. The market analysis will examine the target market.

To meet this assessment requirement, you will propose an innovative business idea and conduct a comprehensive financial and market analysis.

Part I: Industry, market, competition and financial analysis of a company (Start a company from scratch: An entrepreneur who wants to start a company dedicated to commercial and industrial cleaning and especially to the disinfection of any place with reference to the current pandemic “COVID-19”):

  1. A) Executive summary

The Executive Summary of your strategic plan summarizes each of the other sections of your plan.

  1. B) Elevator Pitch

An elevator pitch is a short description of your business.

  1. C) Company mission statement

Your company mission statement explains what your company is trying to achieve.

  1. D) SWOT

The reason to include a SWOT analysis (analysis of your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) in your Strategic Plan is to help you determine the best opportunities to follow to achieve your growth objectives. It also helps you identify what strengths you should develop in the near future to improve your company.

  1. E) Goals

Setting and achieving goals is the trademark of successful companies and is a critical element of your strategic plan.

  1. F) Key performance indicators (KPI)

Large companies understand their metrics and KPIs.



  1. G) Target customers

This section identifies the wants and needs of each of your target customer groups, and it is important to focus your marketing efforts.

  1. H) Industry analysis

This section ensures that the market size is growing (if not, you may want to diversify) and help identify new growth opportunities.

  1. I) Competitive analysis and advantage

Define who your key competitors are; you must list their strengths and weaknesses.

Most importantly, you use this analysis to determine your current competitive advantages and ways to develop additional advantages.

  1. J) Marketing plan

It describes how to attract leads, convert them into paying customers, and maximize your customer value for life.

Include a summary of your marketing plan in your strategic plan.

  1. K) Equipment

This section runs on the opportunities you have identified and achieved the goals you set based on the goals.

  1. L) Operations plan

In this section of their plan, the student will identify each of the individual projects that comprise their broader goals and how these projects will be completed. Finally, you’ll map each of your initiatives, ideally on a Gantt chart, so you know when each project will start and who will lead them.

  1. M) Financial projections

The final section of your strategic plan is your financial projections. Financial projections help as a financial model to evaluate potential results for each opportunity you consider pursuing.

Part II: Strategic business plan

A formal business strategic plan is essential for business growth and success. A well-described business plan provides organizations with the fundamental tools to track growth, set a budget, and prepare for unexpected changes in the market. The sections of the business strategic plan are as follows:

  1. A) SWOT Analysis: an external and internal analysis that outlines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a company. This analysis is then used to create a business model to achieve a competitive advantage by identifying strategies that align, adjust, or combine a company’s resources with the demands of the environment.
  2. B) Porter’s Five Forces Analysis: This model was designed by Michael Porter to describe the forces that shape competition within an industry and help identify strategic opportunities and threats. The stronger each of these forces, the more limited established firms are in their ability to raise prices and make higher profits. The five forces are potential competitors, the rivalry between established companies, the bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, and substitute products.
  3. C) Competitive advantage

the ability to create more economic value than the competition. Accounting and economic measures. Example: ROIC, return on invested capital, ROS, return on sales.

  1. D) Productivity and profit growth

profitability would be the positive profit from the business operation after subtracting all expenses; how would the profit strengths be? Productivity growth would be the efficiency of using inputs to obtain the expected results; higher efficiency helps achieve a better competitive advantage. Productivity includes quality.

  1. E) Forecast

it is the financial position and the results of the operations and the cash flow based on the expected conditions.

  1. F) Leading rapid growth

The environment of constant change and challenges experienced by organizations that go through and move through the growth phases. Therefore, rapid growth requires rapid change and fast-growing businesses and requires vision, planning, and high-performing teams.

  1. G) Crisis management plan

it is the document that describes the processes that an organization will use to respond to a critical situation that affects the profitability, reputation, or ability to operate of an organization. This part of the Final Project must be prepared and presented in English.

  1. H) Disaster Recovery Plan

is the documented process or set of procedures to recover and protect an enterprise IT infrastructure in the event of a disaster. Your part of the Final Project must be prepared and presented in English.

Part III: Leading Rapid Growth, Crisis, and Recovery Plan

  1. A) Leading rapid growth plan

To lead rapid growth, companies need the right people and processes, and then development will follow. In this part, you’ll expand on the following topics based on when, how, and where to grow: 1) a long-term and establishment plan that is feasible and concrete, building milestones along the way; 2) quality service and knowledge of their clients’ plan; and 3) hiring process.

  1. B) Crisis management and business recovery plan

By organizing a well-structured business recovery and crisis management plan, the organization will respond effectively in the event of an incident or crisis that affects the business. It helps minimize recovery time and losses. The business recovery and crisis management plan contain vital information related to recovery planning and critical business activities after a crisis has occurred. Regarding the crisis and recovery plan, the student will emphasize the following areas: 1) strategies to recover business activities in the shortest time possible; 2) a description of the resources, equipment, and key personnel required to recover your operations; 3) recovery time objectives; and 4) a checklist to use after a crisis has passed, and it is safe to return to business facilities.

Remember, all this is in APA format (citations, references, and a conclusion page at the end). Also, not all the steps that are in this writing will serve you; only use the ones you will need to start the business that is dedicated to the commercial cleaning industry and industrial. (Company Name “Cleaning and Maintenance Solutions” CMS)