Communication and Conflict resolution Case Studies

Communication and Conflict resolution Case Studies

Case Study One: Students assignment :
The following case study illustrates an oncology setting at a hospital. The nursing team is composed of a Nurse Manager nurse who is in charge of the unit and 11 staff nurses. There are five experienced registered nurses who have worked in the service for about 9 years, and six new registered nurses. Although it seems that staff nurses and the Nurse Manager work together in perfect harmony, conflict occurs between them.
An excess of authority and power on the part of the leader (Nurse Manager) appears to be the main source of conflict in the service. However, no member of the nursing staff seeks to bring up this uncomfortable situation, as they are concerned about losing their job or making matters worse.
a) Define and Identify Conflict Resolution Strategies.
b) Develop strategies for the nurse to use in this situation.
c) Is Avoidance an effective conflict resolution technique- why or why not?
d) Why do nurses use avoidance?
e) How does interprofessional communication impact conflict?
Case Study Two: student assignment:
Dolly Mae, a 62-year-old nurse has worked on the mother-baby unit for 40 years. Dolly Mae is timely, respectful of clients, administrators, and peers, plus she performs excellent care. Dolly Mae works hard, works fast, and is extremely dedicated to the unit. If she is called by the nurse manager and requested to work an extra shift, she always willing complies.
Sarah, a 26-year-old nurse was recently hired to the mother-baby unit. Sarah works hard and provides quality care; however, Dolly Mae often notices Sarah challenging the charge nurse and or the nurse manager on decisions that they have made. Sarah has refused all three times she was asked to work an extra shift to cover for a sick colleague.
To make matters worse, Andy, a 22-year-old, was also recently hired, and Dolly Mae and the other “seasoned” nurses must constantly provide direction, and deadlines for Andy to complete the work. Many of these “seasoned “nurses are becoming frustrated as they feel they are required to do the majority of the unit work.
Nagelkerk, J., (2011) Leadership and Nursing Care Management, Elsevier, p 204.
a) Discuss Conflict resolution strategies.
b) Discuss and define cultural and generational work force diversity
c) Discuss how culture affects communication.
d) How might this conflict be resolved?

Case Study Three: student assignment :
As a nurse practicing in today’s healthcare delivery systems, Martha knows she must recognize the role played by informatics and understand the importance of acquiring and utilizing the skills required of nursing and its role in the management of healthcare information. Martha, a 23-year-old who has been working for a year, is asked to explain and teach a new hire, the need for all nurses to have basic skills in informatics.
The new hire to this busy unit is Richard, a middle-age change of career novice nurse. Richard is hesitant to use the mobile work station for anything other than medications and states, “I hate using computers, they make everything way too complicated.”
a) How should Martha describe the role informatics plays in nursing healthcare delivery?
b) What skills should Martha explain to Richard that the nurse must possess and implement in order to manage healthcare information using informatics?
c) What communication technique (skill) might be used to bride the age gap between Martha and Richard?
These articles professor want us to use :

Conflict Resolution Skills