Introduction To Measurements, Uncertainties, And Errors (Lab Report)

Introduction To Measurements, Uncertainties, And Errors.

Write a lab report based on the data obtained from the lab and the guideline I attached. Thanks.

  • Objectives
  • Background
  • Uncertainty
  • Standard Deviation
  • Fitting Uncertainty
  • Uncertainty Propagation
  • Evaluating Lab Results
  • Graphing
  • Procedure

Lab Report
Per the instructions found on Canvas:
• Include a cover page or header
• Include a brief (one paragraph) abstract discussing the goals of the lab
• Present your data and results from all parts above clearly in Excel or table form,
including any plots
• Write a conclusion section that discusses your results. You should NOT recount in
narrative detail what has already been presented in your data section. However,
you should summarize your results and comment on anomalous results if applicable.
Remember that we should try to explain anomalous results if we can. Specifically,
can you think of any systematic errors in the experiment that may have skewed your
numbers in a particular direction? Is your explanation consistent with the actual
direction of any observed deviation?