Leading Groups, Facilitating Groups, and Reading People

Leading Groups, Facilitating Groups, and Reading People
Complete the assigned readings, and in this final discussion for TSC 2200, instruct the class regarding:
* What have you learned about effective facilitation that will help your peers facilitate groups of consumers in the future?
* What have you learned about nonverbal communication and body language?
Include the following in your initial post:
* Describe what you feel are the least and most effective styles of leadership, providing an example describing an effective leader that you
admire and/or one for whom you have less admiration.
* Provide one or more resources that will help your peers continue to grow as facilitators of small and/or large groups.
* Describe three ways of communicating non-verbally and explain how this communication is harmful or helpful in your relationship with human services consumers.
The main discussion post should consist of 550 words.
Please cite and reference your main post in APA format.
Double Spaced
Size 12
Times New Roman
2 sources (already provided below)
Adams, K., & Galanes, G. (2017). Communicating in groups: Application and skills (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill
Chapter 10: Applying Leadership Principles