English for Engineering (Hydrogen Energy Report)

You will write a report of 1000 words. This must be in your own words, with reliable and depth of information from research. You must show evidence of critical thinking about the topic. Your work will be processed through SafeAssign.

Choose one type of alternative energy such as biomass energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, hydroelectric energy, wind energy.

To prepare for this, we are going to start doing some research about your topic.

Choose your topic ___Hydrogen Energy_________

  • What is the alternative energy source? Describe what it is. Does it have any other names? Why does it have this name?
  • How does this energy source work? Find diagrams and picturesWhat equipment is needed? Is this equipment expensive? What ingredients/ special conditions are needed for this energy source?
  • Which regions around the world use this source? How widely used is it? What are the reasons for it being used a lot or only a little?
  • Find a map which shows the use of this alternative energy globally
  • Is this energy used in the UAE? If so how and where ?
  • How much energy does this energy source produce? Use statistics/graphs
  • What are the advantages of this energy source?
  • What are the disadvantages of this energy source?
  • What is the future of this energy source? Which developments are important for the growth of this energy source?
  • Your opinion of this energy source.