Essay on Politics Nixon and Machiavelli

Essay on Politics Nixon and Machiavelli

Please write an essay in which you analyze the excerpt from Niccolo Machiavelli’s book, The
Prince, that appears in our Barnet book. The purpose of an analytical essay is to divide a topic
into several sections in order to give the reader a better understanding of it. Machiavelli’s thesis
is this: “. . . it is necessary for a prince [political leader] wishing to hold his own to know how to do
wrong, and to make use of it or not according to necessity” (644). Machiavelli seems to be
arguing here that “the ends justify the means” (although he never actually uses this phrase in
The Prince).
Based on Niccolo Machiavelli’s arguments, does the character of President Richard M. Nixon in
director Oliver Stone’s film Nixon represent a Machiavellian “Prince”? Why or why not? If your
answer is “yes,” explain how Nixon’s words and actions illustrate the advice Machiavelli offers to
political leaders.

Divide Machiavelli’s argument into several sections in order to give your audience a better
understanding of it. Machiavelli’s thesis is this: “. . . it is necessary for a prince [political leader]
wishing to hold his own to know how to do wrong, and to make use of it or not according to
necessity” (644). Machiavelli seems to be arguing here that “the ends justify the means”
(although he never actually uses this phrase in The Prince).
Please use examples from each of the following sources to support your thesis:
Machiavelli’s The Prince.
Oliver Stone’s film Is President Richard M. Nixon, as portrayed in the film, a Machiavellian
politician? You may argue for or against Machiavelli and/or Nixon, if you wish. If you are arguing
against Machiavelli, you may use examples of Nixon’s failures (such as the Watergate scandal
and the bombing of Cambodia) to support your argument. If you are arguing in favor of
Machiavelli, you may use examples of Nixon’s successes (such as the opening of friendly
relations with China) to support your thesis.
Your own knowledge of politics and politicians. You may include information on the historical
Richard M. Nixon, and/or other historical or contemporary leaders (such as President Donald