Truman Government and Morality of the Atomic Bomb

Truman Government and Morality of the Atomic Bomb

Personal Responsibility Paper Assignment: Truman and the Atomic Bomb

A core component of a well-functioning democratic society is having leaders who will be bound by ethical decision making. Your task for this paper is to evaluate and discuss President Truman’s decision to drop the Atomic bomb on Japan during World War II, which ultimately killed tens of thousands of Japanese citizens.

Within your paper—and keeping in mind and evaluating the ethical merits of this decision—you should address the arguments in support of—and opposition to— this decision. What evidence is there that lends credence to each side of the argument? Finally, this decision had political implications. What were those implications, and how do those realities enhance your understanding of how politics works? You must draw a conclusion and justify your position. Without a valid thesis and without drawing a conclusion, you are simply writing me a report, and that is not the assignment.

Paper Guidelines Minimum of 1,000 words Minimum of 3-5 sources

For each of your sources that you select, you should carefully incorporate the CLUES method to evaluate your information and assess your sources’ reliability in constructing your arguments:

Consider the source and its author

Lay out the argument, values and assumptions of the author

Uncover the evidence, which should be based upon empirical evidence and/or sound, logical reasoning

Evaluate the author’s conclusion

Sort out the political implications, i.e., how does the source enhance your understanding of politics?

Paper must conform to the APA style format. Paper must be typed
Late work is NOT accepted

Your paper must score a similarity report of no more than 25%, when submitted to SafeAssign. If your paper scores more than a 25% similarity report, then your paper will receive a zero.

Paper must be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document. The file extension must be .doc or .docx. No other file formats will be accepted.