How has COvid-19 impacted the airline industry economy?

How has COvid-19 impacted the airline industry economy?

In the 1 to 2 paragraph introduction, you will describe your topic and state your question. You need to:
Explain the issue clearly and define any terms or background history of this situation.
Make the topic interesting to your readers by using good examples and interesting images.
Keep a neutral perspective and ask your question clearly.
Here is a list of types of introduction ideas you can use.
Techniques for Introductions
explain how this affects reader
start with question
history of question
history of argument about question
current news that relates to question

unusual fact about question
example or string of examples
conversation about question
vivid description of issue
interesting quotation
list of viewpoints of famous people on question
frame story–start story in intro and finish story in conclusion
Introduction Pre-writing Questions
Which of the above technique(s) will you use for your introduction?
What research article(s) can you use in this?
Body The body of your Exploratory Paper will have at least two parts:
Part 1: Explain the rhetorical situation surrounding your arguable question:
Who is interested in this question?
What are the most important disagreements?
What has changed over time?

What current events make people interested in the question now?
Part 2: Explain the different answers to your question.
What are the different ways people would answer the question?
What is the reason for each of the answers?
What is the best evidence for each opinion?
How do the different opinions answer the objections of the other sides?
Body Part 1 Pre-writing Questions
Body Part 1: Analyze the rhetorical situation of the issue (social, cultural and historic moment in time). Here are the main things you need to
How long has this question existed? Has the question changed over time?
What kind of writing or speaking or media conveys the messages on this issue? (do people talk about it on social media, the news or mostly
face to face?)
Who talks about this question?
Are there some recent events which affect the way people talk about this issue?
On Your Research Articles:
Highlight the most important questions above to answer for your particular arguable question.
Which articles can you use for this point of view? Write down sections of articles or mark the evidence on the articles that you can use for this
Body Part 2 Pre-writing Questions
Part 2 of your body will be three or more paragraphs. Each of these paragraphs will explore one possible answer to your question. You will give a detailed explanation of that view and the best reasons and evidence for people to believe that view. Answer the following questions to prepare
for writing this section:

1.What are the different ways people answer the question? Write down at least 3 different answers. Each of these answers will be the topic
sentence for (at least) one paragraph in your body (you might have more than one paragraph if you have a lot of information on a particular
2. Underneath each of the answers, write as many different reasons as you can think of for people to answer the question that way.
3. Now you need to find evidence to support those points of view and the reasons. So look at your sources and use highlighting or label the best information for each view and reason. If you have a digital copy of your source, you might even want to copy and paste this evidence into your outline (don’t forget to label where it comes from so you can cite it later).
4. What order should you put these answers? You can put them from most to least popular, least to most popular, positive-negative-middle ground, or end with your own point of view (which leads to your conclusion).
In your conclusion, you will either challenge the reader to make up their own mind, tell the reader what you think or maybe do both of these.
Answer these questions to help you do your conclusion:
What answer would you have to this question? Is it one of the views you found in your research, a combination of views, or a new idea?
Have you changed your beliefs about this issue as you’ve studied it more? What information convinced you the most?
What do you think are the most important guidelines for people to use in deciding about this question?