Community Assessment Utilizing Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Process Approach

Community Assessment Utilizing Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Process Approach

Community Assessment Utilizing

Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Process Approach

(30% of course grade)

STEP 1: DEFINING THE COMMUNITY (5% of profile grade)

  1. Choose a community; give name, location, and geographic boundaries. Include brief history. Obtain and prepare a map as a visual representation and define boundaries.
  2. With nursing and community theory definitions provided as a basis, define the community chosen in terms of nursing and community theory.

STEP 2: DATA GATHERING (collecting information that already exists) (5% of profile grade)

  1. Discuss the most distinguishable population characteristics (at least three) of the community population. Document discussion with both statistics and reference citations.
  2. Discuss at least three environmental characteristics of the community population that could be indicators of health. Ex: housing; type and condition, sanitation: adequacy of sewage and garbage disposal, air and water quality. Animals: presence of rats, rodents, or unleashed dogs and cats, adverse weather effects, traffic and transportation patterns. Document discussion with both statistics and reference citations.
  3. Identify at least four health care, social service, and nursing resources available to families or individuals who might require them in the community. This should include the available nursing service resources.

My goal for the Oradell Community is to educate teenagers about XXX. I expect to accomplish this via an outreach program I will be holding at the local high school.

Then, write your “learning objective.”

After participating in the outreach program, the teenagers in the community of Oradell will be able to XXX . . .

Then, describe your overall program (who, what, where, when) and any aspects of planning that you have considered to get your program off the ground (ie. approvals, recruiting participants, recruiting other health providers (if needed), funding, permissions, etc.)


  1. Make at least two measurable interventions about the role you should assume in improving this community as a responsible nurse leader/consumer and member of the professional healthcare team. Interventions should be realistic and directly related to diagnosis. Attention should be focused on health promotion, lifestyle factors and disease prevention.

Discuss the nursing interventions that are specific to your goal/program. They must be measurable.

Discuss your nursing interventions specific to your goal/program. At least two must be “measurable.”

For example,

Training about signs & symptoms of head lice infestation will be given to school nurses, parents & staff at the Washington Middle School November PTA meeting. A pre and posttest will be administered (Appendix A).

STEP 7: EVALUATION (5% of profile grade)

  1. Describe how you will determine whether or not the outcomes will be met. What do you anticipate could impede or enhance progress?

Describe what indicators you will be following to evaluate whether you have achieved your program goal. Discuss what variables may impede and/or enhance your program’s progress.

For example,

A five question pre- and post test will be administered to XXX on XXXX to assess for learning (include example of each test). Results will be analyzed and compared. A score ofXXX will be considered a successful outcome.

STEP 3: DATA GENERATION (developing information that does not already exist) (5% of profile grade)

  1. Conduct a Windshield Survey.

With the use of public transportation or by driving a vehicle around the community, one can observe common characteristics of the community. Discuss in detail your windshield survey. Survey your community in the A.M. and P.M. Provide photos.

  1. Conduct Informant Interviews:

Informants are people who are familiar with and interact with the population on a regular basis; i.e., mayor, director, police officer, school-nurse, etc. Interview at least two informants. Discuss in detail and analyze the interviews.

STEP 4: DATA INTERPRETATION (analysis) (5% of profile grade)

  1. Define the 3 levels of prevention and give examples of each level of prevention that are available to community residents.

STEP 5: DIAGNOSIS (5% of profile grade)

  1. Formulate a community diagnosis citing Healthy People 2020 Focus Area. Analyze and discuss how data gathered (Steps 1 -4) supports this diagnosis.
  2. Analyze and discuss your HP 2020 topic using current literature and research. Explain why this topic is important and establish why interventions are needed on a community level.

STEP 6: PLANNING & IMPLEMENTA TION (5% of profile grade)

  1. Establish at least one goal; i.e., what do you and the community expect to accomplish? Detail specific aspects of planning present or needed because of this goal.

Discuss your goal for the community, what you plan to achieve/accomplish.

Include a formal learning objective. Describe your overall program (who, what, where, when) and any aspects of planning that you have considered.

Discuss your own goal for yourself and the Community. For example:

Discuss what variables may impede or enhance your program’s progress.


Narrative, reference citations, research, and bibliography use APA style. Introduction and conclusion paragraphs. Professional presentation: i.e. free of grammatical and spelling errors.

ORAL PRESENTATION (5% of profile grade)

Grades will be allocated on the basis of quality, not quantity. 20 pages maximum. Papers must be APA format, typed and double-spaced. Correct APA citation and reference/bibliography format must be used. Remember that a scholarly submission must include reference citations for most areas. Tables and graphs must be labeled and source (if any) included.