Wound Assignment

Wound Assignment
Assignments must use APA formatting
▪ Formal introduction and conclusion
▪ Consistent colour, style and size of font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
All Tables should be inserted in landscape orientation (unless otherwise directed)
▪ Tables must be single spaced and point form
▪ Blank spaces related to changing orientation will be considered when
calculating page length
Presentation: Grammar, spelling, APA format (cover page, introduction,
conclusion, reference list) worth 5% of total mark.
Question 1:
Two case studies are provided with a photo.
Students are to analyze BOTH case studies and present in table format:
▪ Comprehensive patient assessment identifying factors affecting an
individuals ability to heal, focusing on 8 critical co-factors (provided in
▪ Determine goal for wound (healable, maintenance or non-healable)
▪ Select and explain best way to assess individual’s pain based on case
▪ Identify general management strategies
40 Marks (20 per case)
Example: Please note, the blue writing in the Assessment Parameter Column is
merely an explanation of how the Supporting Evidence was derived. It is NOT
required in your assignments!!!!
Comprehensive Assessment: Patient Judy White
Assessment Parameter Supporting Evidence
Critical Cofactors
Based on Judy’s Case Study info, I
have calculated her BMI and know
she is morbidly obese. She has an
abdominal surgical wound. I need
• Client’s BMI=34
• Morbidly obese
• Adipose tissue poorly perfused
to explain how obesity will impact
her healing.
I also know she has a history of
depression—I need to explain how
this could impact her healing
• Results in….
• Creates tension on surgical wound
• Places client at risk for….
• History of depression
• can lead to poor self care behaviours i.e.
substance abuse
o impacts healing…..
Goal for wound
Based on my analysis of her case, I
feel her wound is healable, and
here I explain why (include cofactors where appropriate).
• adequate blood flow
• adequate nutrition/hydration
• physical stress on incision could be
mediated by….
• Psychosocial needs currently addressed
by psychologist
Pain Assessment Tool
Based on my analysis of Judy’s
case, I feel the visual analog scale
would work best for her because….
I have explained what the VAS
looks like, how Judy would use it
and when I would assess her pain.
Visual Analog Scale
• Patient able to self report pain
• No visual impairment
• VAS is used by showing client 10 cm long
• 0 marked at one end=no pain
• 10 marked at other end=worst pain
• Client will…
• Pain assess q…..
Management Considerations
I had determined that Judy’s
wound was healable. Based on this
goal and the photo, I need to
provide GENERAL considerations
for managing a healable wound.
• Remove necrotic debris
• Moist wound healing
• Monitor for signs of infection
Part 2: Knowledge Acquisition
Question 1:
Discuss the differences between a partial thickness and a full thickness wound
• What are the characteristics of each (what tissue is involved, what do they
look like)
• Explain how both heal
• Provide an example of each type of wound
Question 2:
Discuss how exudate varies between a healthy acute wound, a chronic wound and
an infected wound.
• What are the characteristics of the exudate (appearance, amount etc.)
• What is the composition of the exudate (what components are in it?)
• How/why does the exudate impact healing
Question 3:
Assess 5 different photos that show different periwound skin conditions/colours
• Identify the condition shown
• Describe what it looks/feels like
• Explain what clues this condition could give the clinician about wound
• Provide management considerations specific to the condition
Photo Periwound Assessment
X Epithelial Tissue
• Avascular, pink and dry (regardless of skin tone)
• Very fragile, susceptible to breakdown from adhesive
• Epithelial migration is indicator of healthy wound
• Foretells wound closure
• Wound susceptible to infection until completely re-epithelialized
• Low tensile strength—must be protected
o Skin protectants
o Gentle silicone adhesives
Part 3: Knowledge to Practice
Question 1:
There are four photos provided that have a location, measurements and previous
PWAT score assigned to them.
Students are to analyze two photos using the PWAT
• For each parameter of the PWAT students must:
o Provide rationale based on the photo (0.5 marks)
o Score based on assessment (0.5 marks)
• Compare the total PWAT score you obtained with the previous PWAT score
(provided on photo).
o What does the score tell you?
o i.e. You scored the wound at 11. The previous score was 15.
▪ Answer: The score has decreased from 15 to 11, indicating
wound progressing toward healing, supports continuing
current protocol
Item Rationale score
Depth Full thickness—walls to
wound & granulation tissue
Evidence of exposed bone
Tissue Type
Yellow slough, thick and thin,
tissue amount
Approx. 40% yellow slough 2