Nursing Community Discussion Board Questions

Nursing Community Discussion Board Questions

Discussion Board 

Please respond to my Discussion Board Question included below. Please follow the Rubric for Discussion Board to maximize your points. You will have four (4) days to post your answers to the question(s),

Questions to answers

  1. How many accessible mental health facilities are in your community, near the hospital you work or have clinical?
  2. What is the distance from your nearest emergency room to the mental health facility (Hint: think about transportation)?
  3. What issues have you and the case managers identified as concerns/issues for placement? What strategies could you implement? (Provide rationale).

Rubric for Discussion Board

CRITERION Exemplary (5 pts.) Competent (3 pts.) Novice (1 pts.) SCORE
Critical Thinking Incorporates new concepts and formulates evidence-base conclusions. Evaluates concepts. Thorough discussion of topic. Applies clinical knowledge, and utilizes literature and research to formulate response. Understand and evaluates basic concepts related to the topic. Applies basic clinical knowledge with minimal use of existing literature and research. Gathers and understands simple concepts related to the topic. Difficult to follow and/or superficial discussion of topic. Inability to demonstrate basic clinical knowledge or evidence-based literature/research.  
Content Key issues fully identified and answered. Clear discussion of topic. Provides evidence-based literature/research to enrich topic and enhance discussion. Work cited. Most key issues addressed adequate with superficial thought and preparation. Provides limited evidence-based literature/research and cited. Key issues missing and not answered. Minimal evidence-based literature/research and not cited. Posts information that is off-topic, incorrect, or irrelevant to discussion.  
Follow-up Posting (respond to two) Posts well developed assignment that fully addresses and develops all aspects of the task. Demonstrates analysis of others’ posts; extends meaningful discussion by building on previous posts. Adequate feedback provided to others’ posts. Demonstrates analysis of others’ posts but limited motivation for the group discussion to build on previous posts. Posts shallow contribution to discussion (e.g., agrees or disagrees); basic key issues identified but does not enrich discussion.  
Supporting Resources Uses references to literature, readings, or personal experience to support comments. Uses personal experience, but no references to readings or literature/research. Includes no references or supporting experience.  
Clarity and Mechanics Contributes to discussion with clear, concise comments formatted in an easy to read style that is free of grammatical or spelling errors. Communicates in friendly, courteous and helpful manner with some errors in clarity or mechanics. Posts long, unorganized content that may contain multiple errors or may be inappropriate.  
Total Possible Points 25 15 5  



Please respond to my Discussion Board Question. Do not create another question. Please follow the Rubric for Discussion Board to maximize your points.

Once you have answered the question(s), please respond to one of your peers answer(s) to the question(s).