Piro and Tompiro Pueblos

Piro and Tompiro Pueblos

Write four pages, MLA format, 12 pt. font, 1” margins. You can use quotes, but do not fill your pages with quotes.

I want to hear your voice in your writing. Do not include my questions in your response.

You can simply label each section as Question #1, followed by your response, ‘Question #1 (write at least two pages)

The Piro and Tompiro Pueblos played an important role in establishing the greater El Paso-Juarez area. Their pueblos were originally south of Albuquerque near current day Socorro, NM, and Mountainair NM.

As you have read, they had a fairly large population compared to other pueblos, and they were a proud and distinct people.

How did Spanish colonization contribute to the loss of Piro and Tompiro lands and culture?

Why do you think Ysleta del Sur Tiguas were able to retain some of those things?

What happened to the Piro and Tompiro Pueblos after the Pueblo Revolt of 1680?

Are there Piro and Tompiro people alive today?

The uploaded file could help answer the question, may use any sources