McDonald’s Scientific Management Approach

This business report is the first of two written assignments that provides students with an exercise to assist in their understanding of important areas of enquiry in management, viz.: the issues, concepts, themes and principles associated with managing a business. The assignment assures comprehension of the Course Learning Outcome 1.4 : ‘Identify cultural issues and make recommendations for business practice’, and will assist you to achieve unit learning outcomes 2 and 4 shown in the learning guide.
As indicated in the lectures, a number of issues including structure, the role of people, attention to sustainability and value of studying management have been discussed. This written assignment provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your level of information literacy and your ability to present a cogent and coherent piece of writing that includes appropriate critical analysis relevant to what is outlined below in terms of this assessment.
1. Read ‘Managing McDonald’s Australia’ (pp.34-36) and McDonald’s scientific management approach (p.47). (Ref: Robbins S, Bergman R, Stagg I, Coulter M, 2015, Management 7, 7th edn, Pearson Australia, Sydney)
2. Visit a McDonalds store and attach a receipt of your visit.
3. Based on the readings and observations from your visit :
Describe McDonalds approach to:
1. Sustainability issues
2. Scientific Management approach
3. Staff management and care