Fitting In in Sports

Professor Dino Ruta talks about three ways to approach the expansion of sports into new areas.
Cultural minimization pays little or no attention to culture and tradition in the potential host
country, risking rejection of the sport as being at odds with important local norms or physical
infrastructure. Cultural adaptation as an approach simply replaces aspects of play or
infrastructure with local equivalents, potentially changing the fundamental nature of the sport and
making it at odds with international rules. Cultural integration, on the other hand, seeks to retain
the core nature of the sport while adapting local customs and infrastructure to the needs of the
international game.
For this activity, you will look at one aspect of the sport you considered in the prior exercise and
how it might need to adapt to fit into one of the areas you predicted for expansion. For example,
skiing might need to adopt new guidelines for indoor slopes in warm climates such as the Middle
To complete this assignment: Write a short essay (200 words) about one aspect of the sport that
would need to change to be adopted in an area you predicted for expansion. Discuss what
change you would recommend