Country Reports on Terrorist Trends

This activity addresses module outcomes 5 and 6. Upon completion of this activity, you will be
able to:
MO5: Explain terrorist trends and what factors determine the rates, trends, and types of
terrorist activity. (CO1)
MO6: Create an effective and appropriate response to a terrorist attack. (CO1)
It is no secret that countries and regions differ in their exposure to terrorist groups and terrorist violence. Understanding these trends and what factors determine the rates, trends, and types
of terrorist activity are critical to formulating an effective and appropriate response.
Respond to the following:
For this activity, select one region/country (not the United States) from the US Department of
State’s Country Reports on Terrorism and write a 300-400-word post summarizing the trends
in terrorism, the groups involved, and a concise summary of the effects on US interests in that
region or country.
Assume that this memo is for the Secretary of State, and consider what the Secretary of State
would be particularly interested in related to this region.
It would be easier to write a multi-page paper on this topic, so your ability to write clearly and
concisely is critical here. You can find the country reports on terrorism at the official State
Department website (Links to an external site.), which was one of the readings for this
U.S. Department of State. (2010). National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) 2010 country
reports on terrorism. (Links to an external site.)

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