Cultural Variations Related to Death and Dying Guidelines

Choose a cultural group from the list below. If you have another group you would like to
choose please just check with the faculty for approval. You may not choose your own cultural
African American
Hispanic or Mexican American
*Native-American (these may vary depending on region of the United States) (I am Native
American. Can not use this one)

Middle Eastern American
Asian American
Research your selected cultural group’s beliefs and practices related to terminal illness, dying,
and death in general.
Compare these beliefs with your beliefs. Remember, you should not have chosen your own
cultural group.
Discuss the roles and practices of healthcare workers, particularly nurses, desired by the
Discuss how the knowledge you gained through this assignment will be incorporated into your
future nursing practice.
Refer to the Writing and APA Resources link on the Course Menu as you prepare your
Microsoft Word document with the following criteria:
Written in APA 6th edition format
Double-spaced with one-inch margins
12-point Times New Roman font
No longer than seven pages, including the title page and reference page.
The body of the paper, including the introduction and summary, should be three to five pages
in length.
The paper should include a Title Page, Introduction, Body, Summary, and Reference list.
This will include a literature search through the UA library’s databases on the given topic.

You will need to use at least 3 scholarly journals, books, or texts.
Do not use more than 2-3 direct quotations.
Paraphrase the references