Universal Healthcare Care Program. UHC Program.

UHC Case Study

 (1500 words; 3 pages single spaced)


The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize yourself with the road to UHC and the ‘guts’ of monitoring indicators and data for UHC in a selected country.

The page limits given in parentheses after each question are guides.  Use tables and bullet points in your responses.

Select an LMIC country from the list of countries by income level used by the World Bank (http://data.worldbank.org/about/country-and-lending-groups). The country that you are going to work on is?

  1. Describe the path that the country has taken to UHC. (1 pages)
    1. What health systems reforms efforts have taken place in the country over a relevant time frame. The time frame will differ by country. For example, for a country that gained its independence in the 1960s, that date might be the logical starting point.   For one of the countries that emerged from the former Soviet Union, the time frame might be at the point of independence in the 1990s.  Draw a timeline with the key milestones and dates.
    2. Justify why you chose the starting date for your analysis.
  2. Summarize and assess data provided for the country in the official SDG Indicators Global database https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/indicators/database/ for Goal 3.8 and in the WHO global Health Observatory database http://apps.who.int/gho/portal/uhc-overview.jsp (1 ½ pages)
    1. Examine any inconsistencies or differences in reported data.
    2. Assess the quality and availability of reported UHC data.
    3. Identify country specific databases on UHC and summarize the data.
    4. Compare your selected country to a country that has a similar profile – either one in the same region, same historical trajectory, same income level, etc. Justify why you selected the comparator country.  How do the indicators differ?  What might explain differences?
  3. Select one additional tracer indicator that you think the country should monitor. (1/2 page)
    1. What is the specific indicator?
    2. Why is this indicator key for the country’s progress toward UHC?
    3. What data are required to monitor the new indicator?

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