Sample Marketing Plan Attached

Sample Marketing Plan Attached

SAMPLE  PLAN ATTACHED for Pizza Restaurant

Need a marketing plan to be written on a pizza restaurant which delivers using drone and its name is STROKES PIZZA , its just a marketing plan hence need the below elements met. The below elements must be written using MARKETING CONCEPTS

Basically u need to imagine Ur starting a business and write the MARKETING PLAN

8. Marketing mix

a. Product/service

– Type – good, service, idea etc

– Features – how will it be different from the competitors?

– Identification – brand name, label and packaging

– Production method/delivery of service

b. Price

– Pricing strategy

– Profit-oriented

– Sales-oriented

– Status quo

10. Control/monitor

– Feedback mechanism to monitor progress

– Evaluation process

– Performance objectives (quantifiable elements)

– Profit margin

– Market share

– Promotional effectiveness

– Market penetration