Application of Interdisciplinary Studies in Creating Policy

Application of Interdisciplinary Studies in Creating Policy

  • In this Portfolio Project, you will write an Application of Interdisciplinary Studies in Creating Policy. The Portfolio will serve as a foundation and “blueprint” for application of your college learning in your personal and professional lives. Each Portfolio Project Milestone will build a step in your blueprint:

Module 1 – Define interdisciplinary studies and provide an overview of how interdisciplinary thinking can affect decision making in governments and non-profit organizations.

Module 2 – Identify three issues in your community or environment and blueprint a solution for each. Your interdisciplinary skills should be used to solve a problem, improve a problem, or develop something innovative.

Module 3 – Choose one community- or environment-based issue and build a conceptual framework using three theories that explain the phenomena creating the issue.

Module 4 – Write a statement of the problem that identifies who is impacted by the problem (e.g., individuals, organizations, industries, or society), what is not known about the problem that should be known, and what the potential harm could be if the problem is not addressed through an interdisciplinary approach.

Module 5 – Develop a review of the scholarly literature about the problem by synthesizing the frameworks and solutions presented by five sources.

Module 6 – Analyze how your initial blueprint to solve a community- or environment-based issue differed from the solution you reached after studying what the sources posed as causes and possible solutions.

Module 7 – Evaluate how your understanding of using interdisciplinary skills to define solutions-based strategies in your community can translate to influencing policies made by governments and non-profit organizations.
Assemble your Portfolio Project Milestones into one document and conclude with your unique understanding of the problem from your environment that you chose, your knowledge of creating an IDS conceptual framework to explore the problem’s causes, your development of a solution or innovation based on your IDS-based solution to the challenge, and the action steps you would take to use your solution-based
approach to influence policy in government or non-profit organizations.

  • Your thesis should be 20 pages in length, excluding the Title and References pages. It should incorporate 10-15 scholarly and/or professional
    publication-based sources. The thesis should be presented in APA 7 format and conform to the CSU Global Writing Center