Applying Image Restoration Theory to a Real Situation

Applying Image Restoration Theory to a Real Situation

You were introduced to this theory briefly in Chapter 4, p. 100. To complete this assignment, read:
• Chapter 12, p. 311 “Restoring a Company’s Image using Benoit’s Five Categories of Image Restoration.”
• Benoit’s article, “Image Repair Discourse and Crisis Communication,” available in this week’s Readings.
Then respond to the following questions:
1. Identify one organization (or personality/politician) currently or recently facing a reputational crisis as reported in news and online sources.
2. Explain the situation.
3. Identify at least one image restoration strategy already used. Was it a good choice? Effective?
4. As PR counsel, which image restoration strategy (ies) would you suggest? Why? Note: the strategies in Benoit’s theory are not a sequential
process. Depending on the situation, one or two strategies may be all that are appropriate. You have to analyze the organization’s situation and
actions to determine which strategies should be applied.
Remember, you must include in-text citations for any information drawn from our course readings or any independent research, and also include
an end source list.
• Chapter 4, Foundations of PR: Research and Theory
• Chapter 5, Implementing Your Strategic Communications Plan, pp. 109–118