Group and Personal Reflection

Group and Personal Reflection

Assignment Task

There are two related tasks, namely (i) the group will develop an annotated bibliography of a stated number of academic journals upon a theme identified by the lecturer; and (ii) each individual will complete a reflective essay on their decision making experience in executing this group task.
Instructions for both tasks are set out below:
Group Annotated Bibliography
In student groups of three that have been approved by the course coordinator, each student group will be allocated a ‘decision-making theme’ by the course coordinator upon which the group must complete their annotated bibliography.
Once allocated a theme, the student group must identify a discrete area of focus within that theme and will engage in research to identify three quality scholarly journal articles that provide different perspectives on it. Students will critically analyse these articles and present their findings using the supplied annotated bibliography template.
An introduction and conclusion to the annotations is required so that the final document that is submitted is an integrated document comprising an introduction, three annotated bibliographies and a conclusion.
In completing this assignment, each group will need to research widely and analyse a range of articles and then reduce the number to three, based on which combination of articles provides the most coherent ‘fit’ with each other and which best meets the requirements of the assessment task.
Each group shall nominate a group leader, with responsibility for being the only member of the group to submit the assignment to Turnitin and also email a copy of the chosen articles to the course coordinator at the time of submission (do not submit the articles through Turnitin).

The completed group annotated bibliography assignment will include:
1.An introduction/conclusion not exceeding a total of 1000words;
2.Three completed annotated bibliography templates, each ofwhich will comprise approximately 1000 words each; and
3.List of references.
Personal Reflection
As each student group is completing the annotated bibliography assignment, they will have to engage in active group work and make many decisions on what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, how it should be done, who should do it and why certain tasks need to be done. Decisions about roles to be assigned to different members and how the group is to operate and what should occur if disputes or concerns arise.
The ‘personal reflection’ component of this assignment involves every student keeping a reflective journal from week five to week nine. Each student will post a weekly journal through Blackboard (on every Friday) that summarises (in between 300 and 500 words) their theoretically-informed reflections on how the group decision making is progressing and what improvement strategies (if any) are needed. These posts will be monitored by the course coordinator weekly and will form part of the assessment mark.
The reflective journal will act as a contemporaneous record of each student’s personal experience and this will help them complete a reflective essay (of 1500 words) on their group decision making experience, to be submitted individually via the Turnitin portal.
Skills Workshops
For both the annotated bibliography task; the personal journal task; and the reflective essay task, skills workshops will be given as part of the weekly program.

Assessment Two: Assessment Criteria for Annotated Bibliography

1.Quality research and selection of relevant scholarly journal articles

2.Critical analysis, synthesis and summary writing of the selected scholarlyjournal articles (the ‘article summary’ section)

3.Critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation of the selected scholarly journalarticles (the ‘critical insight’ section) and the integration of the introduction and conclusion sections to the annotated bibliography

4.Correct and complete structure relevant to the annotated bibliographytemplate, effective use of English grammar and syntax and academic referencing (compliant with APA 6th edn style).

Assessment Two: Assessment Criteria for Personal Reflection

1.Clear identification of issues and well researched and analysed literaturerelevant to the personal and group decision making situation

2.Effective synthesis and application of the analysed literature in the personalevaluation of the personal and group decision making

3.Personal reflection, informed by professional reflective practice and othertheory, on how the issue could have been addressed differently

4.Correct structure, effective use of English grammar and syntax, and academicreferencing (compliant with APA 6th edn style)