Solving Organizational Problems Case of Employee Benfits at HealthCo

Solving Organizational Problems Case of Employee Benfits at HealthCo


Cases analysis prove valuable in this course for several reasons.

First, cases provide you with experience of organizational problems that you probably have not had the opportunity to experience firsthand. In a relatively short period of time, you will have the chance to appreciate and analyze the problems faced by many different organizations and to understand how managers tried to deal with them.

Second, the knowledge you have gained is made clearer when it is applied to case studies. The theory and concepts help reveal what is going on in the organizations studied and allow you to evaluate the solutions. It is important to remember, after all, that no one knows what the right answer is. All that managers can do is make the best guess. In fact, managers say repeatedly that they are happy if they are right only half the time in solving problems. Management is an uncertain game, and using cases to see how theory can be put into practice is one way of improving your skills of diagnostic investigation.

Third, case studies provide you with the opportunity to participate in class and to gain experience in presenting your ideas to others. Your classmates may have analyzed the issues differently from you, and they will want you to argue your points before they will accept your conclusions, so be prepared for debate. This is how decisions are made in the actual organizational world.

In general, you need to consider three sets of concerns as you analyze a case: Also, try to organize your answers by what, why, and how.

  • What: Identify the essential issues described in the case. Issues represent current or emerging problems faced by individuals and groups in the organization. Keep in mind there are many issues in any given case, but not all of them are equally important. Focusing on urgent and important issues will probably serve you well.
  • Why: What are the causes/factors producing the situation described in the case? What seems to be causing the key problems? Do the problems share a cause, or are they related in some other way? The linkages you make among causes/factors in the case are important. You may want to list, draw, or somehow represent the factors you see as important. You might find a visual representation helpful in capturing the core dynamics. The goal is to discern how and why the situation arose in the first place.
  • How: What course of action would you adopt if you were involved in this situation? Why? Your solution should address the underlying causes of the issues. How would you implement your suggested actions? What potential failure points do you need to anticipate? What is the downside of your solution? How would you monitor progress toward full implementation? You want to be as concrete and realistic as possible.

Case Analysis Discussion Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts
Overall Case Analysis


10 pts


addresses all the items (what, why and how); demonstrates exceptional understanding of the case; all the relevant concepts and theories are correctly identified, and fully support the analysis; provides creative and effective solution(s) to the case.


8 pts


addresses all of the items (what, why, and how); demonstrates considerable understanding of the case; most of relevant concepts and theories are identified to support the analysis; provides sound solution(s) to the case.


6 pts


addresses all of the key issues (what, why, and how); demonstrates some understanding of the case; most relevant concepts and theories are identified, but only partially support the analysis; provides workable solution(s).


5 pts


missing one or more of the items (what, why, and how); lack of understanding of the case; unable to identify relevant concepts and theories to support the analysis; fails to provide workable solution(s).