Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies in Healthcare – Nursing (Questions & Answers)

Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies in Healthcare  (Nursing Paper)


Catalogue Description:

Cognitive therapy will be studied as it has been adapted to treat a broad spectrum of clinical disorders including depression, anxiety, phobias, substance, obesity, marital problems, sexual dysfunction, and psychosomatic disorders. Students will have an opportunity to study and observe the crucial link between thoughts and emotions and the sense of competency patients can develop through self-help techniques. The course utilizes didactic, experiential and observational techniques.

Required Texts:

Wright, J. H., Brown, G. K., Thase, M. E., & Basco, M. R. (2017).  Learning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: An Illustrated Guide, 2nd ed.  Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing.  ISBN-10: 1615370188; ISBN-13: 978-1615370184 [note: includes access to great videos online with URL referenced in the book itself]

Simos, G., Ed. (2002).  Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: A Guide for the Practising Clinician, Volume 1.,  New York: Taylor & Francis.    ISBN-10: 1583911057;   ISBN-13: 978-1583911051

Rollnick, S., Miller, W.R., & Butler, C. C.  (2007)  Motivational Interviewing in Health Care: Helping Patients Change Behavior (Applications of Motivational Interviewing).  New York: Guilford.  ISBN-10: 1593856121; ISBN-13: 978-1593856120 (referred to as “MI book”)

  1. Give a plausible example of maintaining conditions where the target behavior is suicidal thinking, making sure you name and describe each maintaining condition.

  1. Suppose a depressed client reported in a session that he felt much better during the prior day. How should a clinician profitably respond to this statement explaining why it was a better week, “It was just a better day. I just got lucky”?  What aim might the therapist have here?  [Just 4 sentences should be enough.]


  1. Choosing an anxiety disorder, create an example anxiety hierarchy with at least 5 different items at different levels. Describe how this technique is used in CBT for anxiety.


  1. Name and briefly describe the 3 Futile Strategies and give 1 example each of how they could show up in a client who has alcohol abuse disorder and why this would be a problem.

  1. Give a good example of how positive and negative reinforcement can operate in addictions. Make sure you’re clear about what is being reinforced and with what.

  1. What is chunking and why is it useful? For what types of disorders is it most likely to be helpful?  [does not have to be a long answer]


  1. Which is a more powerful tool in promoting cognitive change: internal or external dissonance and why? Make clear that you know what each refers to.

  1. Name 4 key parts of good CBT session in terms of structure (can be fairly short).


  1. Describe the case conceptualization/formulation in CBT therapy. Name the top 4 boxes of the diagram and give an example of something that might plausibly go in each for a client who has PTSD.

  • What is the significance of problem clarification In CBT? Give 4 examples of questions might you ask to clarify a client’s complaint of panic disorder.


  1. Explain the significance of disqualifying the positive in a client with [here I’ll pick a diagnosis later]. How might it show up and interfere with a client’s progress?


  • Although suicide is notoriously difficult to predict, what are 3 fairly good predictors of it? Briefly mention a technique you might use to address one of these risk factors.


  1. Explain how changing response effort and response cost can encourage or discourage addictive behavior in a person or population by giving a plausible example.


  1. Paul explains to you (his therapist) that he was invited to an office party.  However, while he intended to attend, as the time of the party approached, he became anxious, experienced palpitations and ultimately decided not to attend the get-together.  When you ask how he felt about not going, Paul says that he felt enormous relief.  Which is a good response?


  1. Jane tells you (her therapist) that she saw her husband with Margaret, his secretary, last week at a local restaurant.  This is the second time she’s seen them together outside of work.  She confronted her husband with this information and he stormed out of the room, which confirmed her suspicion that he’s having an affair. How might you as therapist respond here? What is the basic principle you’re fostering?

  1. What is the importance of outside-of-session self-help plans? [can be 2 good sentences] What are three important principles in devising them? [as long as they’re clear, can be short]


  1. Your patient is depressed. When you ask him what he did the previous weekend, he expresses that he stayed home, because he is “too tired to do anything, and never has fun anymore anyway”. After exploring his cognitions via socratic questioning, you decide a beneficial behavioral intervention would be _________________ . How would you describe this intervention and its potential benefits to your client?


  • I will pick 2 videos from the Learning CBT anxiety chapter and ask you to describe several of the key aspects being demonstrated of the interventions depicted.


  • Describe 3 important components of the Suicide Mode and 1 key intervention NOT already named in a prior answer.


  • What are 2 or 3 unhelpful patterns/behaviors employed by patients with GAD and 1 useful intervention to reduce these?


  • Describe the concept Theory 1 vs Theory 2, how you might present it usefully in CBT for a client with PTSD.


  1. What types of clients most commonly employ what CBTists would call “reassurance seeking”? Why is it a problem?


  1. Explain the negative cognitive triad of depression and provide a plausible example for each component. Why is it good to particularize it for the client?


  • What is the core problematic belief found at the height of most anxiety disorders and what is the core problematic behavior? ( explain what makes the belief or behavior so problematic.)
  1. What are 2-3 important clues in session that dysfunctional thoughts, assumptions/rules, or core beliefs are occurring?