Negotiations Skills for Business BATNA

Negotiations Skills for Business

My Topic for this project:

My job is to watch the video and record the conversations in text. Work on Monday-Friday, but sometimes my BOSS asks me to do it on weekends with the same pay.

To discuss with my employer the rate of the increase in pay when working on holidays. If the salary increase is not high, I tend to rest.


For this project, you will carry out and analyze a real world negotiation. Please plan and execute a negotiation of something of personal value to you.

The end result does not have to be successful in order to earn a strong grade. This paper should report on your preparation, tactics used during the negotiation, lessons learned from this experience, and, of course, your negotiation results.

Use discriminating analysis; in other words, look through your facts, determine what is most relevant to convey your knowledge of and your ability to apply course concepts, and then draw summarize and draw conclusions based on this information. What would you do differently next time?

This assignment should not be a transcript of every detail of the negotiation, but rather an analysis that incorporates concepts introduced in class as well as your mastery of the readings.


  • 4-pages (doesn’t include the title page or reference page) double-spaced 12-pt Times Roman font, normal margins
  • Solid grammar and organizational writing skills
  • Applicable outside research (not counting your text) and appropriate APA documentation of your sources
  • Clear demonstration of at least 6 course concepts (not implied)

TEXTBOOK: Essentials of Negotiation 6th Edition, Lewicki, ISBN-13: 978-0077862466


As noted in the above, references are required to complete your final project. All articles chosen must be since January 2014. Other guidelines are as follows:

Approved Publications (Newspapers are not acceptable):

Academy of Management Review                                    Industrial & Labor Relations Review

The Atlantic                                                                   Journal of Business Ethics

Benefits Quarterly                                                          Journal of Organizational Behavior

Business & Society Review                                              Leadership Quarterly

The Economist                                                               MIT Sloan Management Review

Forbes                                                                          Monthly Labor Review

Fortune                                                                         Nonprofit Quarterly

Harvard Business Review                                               Public Administration Review


Example Rubric for Grading a Research Paper


Outstanding Good Fair Unacceptable


Cover page with relevant info, including descriptive title.Section headings.

Good graphics, with appropriate citations.

Clean and professional looking.

Cover page.Sections headings.

Graphics included.

Professional looking.

Most relevant information present.Some section headings, captions, or graphics used.

Looks like H.S. paper.

Dirty or ragged appearance.Missing titles, captions, headings, name of author.

Not professional.


Thesis is clear, easy to find, and appropriate to the assignment.Thesis is supported by the rest of the paper.

Paper contains a “roadmap” for the reader.

There is a logical flow to the topics/arguments.

Conclusion follows clearly from the arguments presented.

Thesis is clear and appropriate.Thesis fairly well supported.

Paper is fairly well organized.

Conclusion follows from the rest of the paper.

Thesis is fairly clear.Inconsistent support for thesis.

Paper weakly organized.

Conclusion is acceptable.

Thesis unclear and/or inappropriate.Thesis not supported.

Paper is not organized.

Conclusion doesn’t follow from the rest of the paper.


The evidence comes from a wide variety of valid sources.The bibliography is complete and reflects appropriate sources.

The evidence used reflects multiple views.

The evidence comes from valid sources.The bibliography is complete.

The evidence used reflects multiple views.

Valid sources are inconsistently used.The bibliography is missing some pieces.


The evidence seldom comes from valid sources.The bibliography is missing significant information.


Thinking and Course Concepts

Arguments are pertinent to the topic.Arguments are logical, supported with evidence.

The key arguments have been made – no major points have been left out.

Arguments are pertinent to the topic.Arguments are fairly logical and reasonably supported.

Most key arguments have been made.

Arguments are not consistently pertinent, logical, or supported.Few key arguments have been made. Arguments not pertinent.Arguments rarely, if at all, logical and supported.

Almost no key arguments have been made.

Interest factor Language and style appropriate.Paper presents well-developed analysis.

There is nuance, inference and subtlety to the paper.

Main points are memorable.  Reader is very engaged.

Language and style appropriate.Paper presents reasonable analysis and synthesis.

There is a little nuance, inference and subtlety.

Main points clear.

Reader is engaged.

Language and style only fair.Less-developed analysis and synthesis.

Nuance, inference and subtlety lacking.

Main points present, not well made.

Language and style poor.Analysis and synthesis lacking.

Main points not discernable.