The Process Of Formulating Policy In Response To Social Change


The Process of Formulating Policy in Response to Social Change

Human services professionals are, as we have noted, on the front lines of social changes and human services responses to those changes. Given this circumstance, as a professional, you are obliged to consider administrative, program, service delivery, and management policies to effectively respond to those changes. Your understanding of the policy development process in connection with a government (federal, state, county, or city), non-profit organization (social service, advocacy, research, etcetera) or a for-profit organization (corporation, sole proprietorship, or small business) is a significant factor in your ability to perform duties and responsibilities. How will you contribute to the policy development process?

Select a government, non-profit organization, or for-profit organization on the Internet with a focus on human services. Then, identify a social change policy issue demanded by a social change. Discuss the probable process of formulating a policy and then establishing the process of implementation. To stimulate you thinking, review the “Short List of Human Services Social Change and Policy Development Issues for Government, Non-Profit, and For-Profit Organizations” reading from your Social Policy Toolbox.