Is the Artwork of Sanford Biggers and Kara Walker revolutionary or capitalistic? 

Topic: Is the Artwork of Sanford Biggers and Kara Walker revolutionary or capitalistic?
Paper details:

(In this essay it should read like a personal review of the Artist and their works, not necessarily the articles. I’d like to highlight how the work of Walker and Biggers has some positive aspects but they are missing the bigger picture of how their art is problematic to black culture and Image. Several question I think of with these Artist are: Does the Artwork of Kara Walker and Sanford Biggers, exploit the black struggle to fit into white spaces? Are white spaces trying to make room for Walker and Biggers? Does black art in white spaces matter?
Is the Artwork of Sanford Biggers and Kara Walker revolutionary or capitalistic?
Again I’d like to compliment the Artist some but also kick butt…ljvzol I like Biggers more than Walker.

Introduction: Kara Walker—No/Yes/?

Dear Kara Walker: If You’re Tired of Standing Up, Please Sit Down