Policy Analysis Worksheet

  • Directions: Answer the questions contained in this worksheet to kick-start the process of writing your policy analysis for your final assignment. You can build off of your answers in the completed worksheet for your final project.


    Please select one (1) of the following policy issues in relation to one (1) country for this assignment:

    • Labor Policy and Globalization.
    • War on Terror.
    • Research and Development Policy and Globalization.
    • Global Issue Policy on Nuclear Weapons.
    • Telecommunications Policy and Globalization.
    • Transportation (or Infrastructure) Policy and Globalization.
    • Public Health Policy and Globalization. (Ebola)
    • Environment Policy and Globalization. (Global Warming) (Climate Change)
    • Energy Policy and Globalization.
    • Citizenship Policy and Globalization. (Human Rights Issues)
    • Monetary Policy and Globalization. (Foreign Aid) (Global Financial Crisis)
    • Agriculture Policy and Globalization. (Food and Agriculture Issues)
    • World Hunger and Poverty. (Sustainable Development)
    • Globalization and Corruption.


    Here are some online resources for basic background information on countries:




    In this section, you will select a policy issue from the list on page 1 and create a title for your Policy Analysis.



    1. What policy issue did you select?



    1. Do you comprehensively understand the issue? Can you identify two or three distinct positions on the issue?



    1. Create the title of your Policy Analysis. When creating a title for your Policy Analysis, consider how you can simultaneously capture the attention of your readers and communicate your position.






    In this section, you will frame and define the issue.


    a.     How will you introduce the issue?



    b.     Define the problem or issue that your government or actor must address.



    c.     How will you demonstrate the relevance and urgency of the issue for modern society?



    d.     Which groups, individuals, and communities (stakeholders) are affected by the issues that you will be analyzing?



    e.     Research the ways that these groups’ goals and interests might be altered by the policies you are proposing. Try to write out concise explanations of each group’s goals and the things that they value.


    f.      Research the ways that organizations or communities might change or adapt to upheavals in the societies in which they exist. Explain the circumstances in which these changes might take place. Next, consider other changes and transformations that these groups could undergo and summarize those in a similar way.


    g.     What evidence will you use to support this section of your paper?





    In this section, you will compile a rationale and justification for your position.


    1. Are stakeholders groups exposed to unjustifiable risks? Are the stakeholders you have identified especially vulnerable?



    1. Are any of your stakeholders marginalized within society? Are they part of a highly privileged social group?



    1. What are the likely consequences of ignoring stakeholders’ needs? Remember to write concise answers and to consider a range of alternative outcomes – never claim that one set of consequences is inevitable.





    In this section, you will propose a course of action in order to address the selected issue.


    1. Position statement: What is your position on the issue? Is it specific and clear? State it in one or two sentences.



    1. Propose a course of action: What should be done to solve the problem? Consider the broad approach and specific practical steps or measures that need to be taken and by whom. Is the solution you propose feasible and implementable?



    1. Reinforce your position: What points of your argument will you draw together to restate and reinforce your position?



    1. If your policy-making choices are relatively limited, justify your choice by referring to your position statement and to the outcomes of any alternative choices.



    1. Consider the practical factors affecting your policy. How hard will it be for the government to implement your plan? What costs will the government have to pay? Is the government’s ability to act or to extend its authority limited by laws or international agreements?



    1. What will the political impact of your policy be? How will the changes that you want the state to bring about affect its authority? What is the political cost of the policy?





    The last section of your memorandum should prove why your proposal will be effective. Ask yourself why the policy you have designed will produce the outcomes that you claim it will have. If your policy responses are relatively limited, you should use this section to justify your choice by using a lot of your available word-count to explain why the decision that you support will have a positive impact on the state—explain, for instance, why ratifying a trade agreement will be good for your state’s exporters and agricultural industry.

    a.     What evidence will you use to support this section of your paper?


    1. Do you have enough evidence to support all elements of your paper? (That is, to introduce and define the issue, to show the importance of the issue, to support your position, to refute counter-arguments, et cetera.)



    1. Do you have the range of evidence you need to support different points of your argument? Match evidence and sources to different points of your arguments.




    In this section, you will create your first draft of closing remarks for your paper in Assignment 5.


    1. Provide an interesting reflection or create a question to close your paper.



    1. Recap the issue for your conclusion and make any recommendations for change (policy decisions).





    Cite the resources you used to support your position in SWS style. Note: Be sure that you have a variety of sources and evidence to support your position.