Matrix Semiconductor Inc. (B): Transitioning From Innovation to Execution

All case work will be performed according to the following guidelines. Case Evaluations When reading a case, you should have some existing questions for which you are seeking answers.

• Who are the characters in the case? You should note the perspective they bring to the case.

• What are the connections and types of relationships that exist among the characters?

• What power or authority does each of the characters possess?

• Who are the decision makers? These questions will help you in understanding the setting. While reading and after reading, you should be taking notes to do the evaluation.

You should be answering the following questions:

• What is the main problem that you see in the case? Think of a problem in terms of a perceived difference between what is and how someone thinks it ought to be.

• What is the decision that needs to be made?

• Are there other issues that might impact the perception of the problem and the decision that needs to be made? These questions will help you with the case evaluation. After having analyzed the problem, you should have a proposed solution.

• What is your proposed solution?

• How are you supporting the proposed solution with existing concepts?

• What is an alternative solution? (do not treat this as an after thought)

When writing the analysis, you should have a short introduction, analysis of the business situation presented, and two solutions to your primary question. This should be a concise document and to the point, but with enough description to make yourself understandable. Present the problem, your analysis, a primary solution and an alternative solution.