Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice

Assignment Instructions Note: All quotes must be encapsulated in quotation marks. Likewise, all papers must be 100% original work to this class.

The discovery of past work being used will be treated as cheating, and as is the case for plagiarism, will as a minimum will result in a 0 for the paper.

Also the rubric aside, papers that fall short of minimum length will have a max point award related to the % of the paper they actually submit.

For example the max possible for a paper that is 50% short of the minimum length will be 50%. Students will select a subject of interest for a 7-10 page research paper supported by a minimum of 5 academic peer reviewed sources.

Identify common ethical issues that occur in the criminal justice system. – 3 Ways ethics Influence Criminal Justice.

When writing your research paper be sure to focus upon the aspect of criminal justice that you are addressing from the perspective of the course learning objective with which it is associated.

You must support points made in the research paper with scholarly resources.

Your personal opinion must be limited and will not be a determining factor in the final grade. Instead, your grade is determined by how well you support your argument utilizing the materials discussed in this course and research and reference material you locate.

What I do not want is a regurgitation of what is in the readings.

Expand on the readings; do not repeat it. Direct quotes should be used sparingly and limited to instances where the original meaning would be lost if not directly quoted.

Document your facts utilizing standard APA style 7th edition. This paper is to be submitted to me as indicated on the Course Schedule and Grading Policy Summary Table.

The paper is to be in APA format 7th edition (Times New Roman 12 pitch, double spaced) and the body of the paper is to be between 7 and 10 pages.

The body of the paper does not include the title page, table of contents, appendix or references.

Abstracts should be included BUT will not count as part of the body of the paper This is to be of high quality, free of spelling and grammatical errors, and of original work.