Applied Learning Theory, Theory of Learning

Applied Learning Theory, Summer 2017


Point-Counter-Point Task: Consider the following statement: “Many educators see learning primarily through only one lens.” (Point)

Evaluate the learning theories of behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and social learning, to synthesize a counter-point to the above statement. Which theorists and what evidence do not support the statement that learning occurs “through only one lens”? (Counter-Point)

Paper should be 3,000 words and should include an abstract and references list (which are excluded from the word count). Paper must be completed in APA format.

Paper will be assessed as per the following rubric:

a.      Is clear, independent of the paper 1          2           3            4
b.      Includes the research question 1          2           3            4
c.       Provides a short but correct answer to the research question or statement 1          2           3            4
d.      Represents the content of the paper correctly 1          2           3            4
a.      The topic and research question are clearly described 1          2           3            4
b.      The research question is well embedded in the introduction 1          2           3            4
a.      The main topic is clearly subdivided in secondary topics 1          2           3            4
b.      Concepts are used adequately and consequently 1          2           3            4
c.       Sub conclusions are provided and the content is linked with the main content 1          2           3            4
d.      Argumentation is logical and critical 1          2           3            4
e.      The literature is sufficient in terms of number of references and relevance to the research question 1          2           3            4
f.        The literature is integrated and interpretation is critically assessed 1          2           3            4
                      Conclusion and discussion
a.      The research question is clearly and fully answered 1          2           3            4
b.      The sub conclusions are well integrated 1          2           3            4
c.       Adequate discussion issues are presented based on the conclusion 1          2           3            4
d.      Critical analysis and reflection are shown in final conclusions 1          2           3            4
                         Scientific Writing
a.      The text is clearly and logically structured 1          2           3            4
b.      The argumentation of the paper flows coherently 1          2           3            4
c.       APA rules are applied correctly and consistently 1          2           3            4
d.      Language use is correct and the writing style is good 1          2           3            4