Organizational Behavior (Career Development and Employee Motivation Initiatives at ABC Inc.)


Fisrt choose an organization, then use the following outline with approzimate word count.

Structure of the Written Report

  1. Title page
  2. Table of contents
  3. Executive summary
  4. Problem (Issue) statement (450)
    • What appears to be the problem(s) here?
    • How do I know that this is a problem?
    • What are the immediate issues that need to be addressed?
    • Differentiate between importance and urgency for the issues identified.
      • Important issues are those that have a significant effect on:
        1. profitability,
        2. strategic direction of the company,
        3. source of competitive advantage,
        4. morale of the company’s employees, and/or
        5. customer satisfaction.
  5. Data analysis (450)
    • Why or how did these issues arise?
      • It may be helpful to think of the organization in question as consisting of the following components:
        1. resources, such as materials, equipment, or supplies, and
        2. people who transform these resources using
        3. processes, which creates something of greater value.
    • Who is affected most by this issues?
    • What are the constraints and opportunities?
    • What do the numbers tell you?
  6. Key Decision Criteria (350)
    • Brief, preferably in point form, such as
      • improve (or at least maintain) profitability,
      •  sales, market share, or return on investment,
      • maintain customer satisfaction, corporate image,
      • be consistent with the corporate mission or strategy,
      • within our present (or future) resources and capabilities,
      • within acceptable risk parameters,
      • ease or speed of implementation,
      • employee morale, safety, or turnover,
      • retain flexibility, and/or
      • minimize environmental impact.
    • Measurable, at least to the point of comparison, such as alternative A will improve profitability more that alternative B.
    • Be related to your problem statement, and alternatives. If you find that you are talking about something else, that is a sign of a missing alternative or key decision criteria, or a poorly formed problem statement.
  7. Alternatives analysis (300)
    • This section deals with different ways in which the problem can be resolved.
  8. Recommendations (250)
    • Give a justification for your decision(Using Key Decision Criteria). Check to make sure that it is one (and only one) of your Alternatives and that it does resolve what you defined as the Problem.
  9. Action and Implementation Plan (250)
  10. Exhibits

Notes on Written Reports:

  1. Note that restating of case facts is not included in the format of the case report, nor is it considered part of analysis. Anyone reading your report will be familiar with the case, and you need only to mention facts that are relevant to (and support) your analysis or recommendation as you need them.
  2. If you are going to include exhibits (particularly numbers) in your report, you will need to refer to them within the body of your report, not just tack them on at the end! This reference should be in the form of supporting conclusions that you are making in your analysis. The reader should not have to guess why particular exhibits have been included, nor what they mean. If you do not plan to refer to them, then leave them out.
  3. Write in a formal manner suitable for scholarly work, rather than a letter to a friend.
  4. Common sense and logical thinking can do wonders for your evaluation!

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate a critical awareness of the fundamental theories and concepts of the Organizational Behavior.
  2. Apply motivational theories and strategies to solve complex behavioral issues in organizational settings.
  3. Critically analyze group dynamics and apply developed communicational skills required for working with/in teams.
  4. Synthesize and comment critically on a body of Organizational Behavior literature
  5. Recommend innovative strategies to increase managerial skills and competencies.
  • Study the people culture at Chipotle and examine its key elements.
  • Understand the importance of employee motivation in an organization.
  • Understand the issues and significance of developing career path for employees.
  • Analyze the career advancement opportunities offered by Chipotle to its employees and how these contributed to its growth
  • Analyze the challenges before Chipotle in preserving its culture and helping it evolve as it continues to expand at a fast pace
  • Explore ways in which Chipotle could balance growth and preserve its people culture.