Nursing Leadership, Leadership in Nursing Career

Purpose of paper For you to apply leadership content (course content, class readings and any other relevant scholarly sources) to

(a) your current practice, skills, and leadership experience (informal and formal) and

(b) goals to support your future professional and career trajectories.

Actions Required sections and content for the paper

1. Introduction: Complete introduction of ideas that will be covered in your paper, explain the purpose of your paper

2. Leadership and nursing: Define leadership and discussing why it is important for nursing

3. My ideal leadership style: Describe the leadership style, theory, or framework to which you aspire in your nursing practice. Includes: o A definition of the leadership style, theory, or framework o Descriptions of core concepts and/or skills associated with the identified style, theory, or framework

4. My ideal leadership style reflected in my current practice (strengths):

Identify your current strengths related to core concepts/skills associated with the leadership style you described in section 3.


o Directly linking the leadership style, theory, or framework definition, concepts, and/or skills to your current practice, skills, and/or leadership experience (informal and formal); use definitions/descriptions provided in section 3 5. What I need to do to be the leader to which I aspire (areas to improve): Identify areas to improve related to core concepts/skills associated with the leadership style you described in section 3.


o Describing aspects of the leadership style, theory, or framework definition, concepts, and/or skills that you currently lack; use definitions/descriptions provided in section 3 6.

Goals to support integration of my ideal leadership style into my career:

Describe what you can do to attain your ideal leadership style. Includes: o Describing goals to support your strengths and address gaps in achieving your ideal leadership style, theory, or framework and how the goals will support your career trajectories

o Actions to meet those goals 7.


Summarize ideas covered in the paper and corresponds with what was presented in the paper (do not introduce new ideas)

Criteria for evaluating written work Content

• Thoroughness and completion of all sections of the assignment

• Evidence of understanding the context of the problem

• Analytic thinking

• Depth of ideas and insights Formatting

• APA format

• 4-5 pages excluding title and reference pages; typed, double spaced; font Times New Roman, 12-point; spacing between set to “0” pt before and after paragraphs; 1 inch margins

• Headings and subheadings used to organize the paper’s content

• Cite readings, lecture slides, and/or web-pages, not just personal opinion, using APA formatting

• First person can be used when appropriate Organization and logical flow

• Paper flow from one section to another

• Topic sentences that introduce the topic of the paragraph

• Last sentence of paragraphs and sections provide summary of the paragraph/section and introduces the next section

• Clear organization and flow of ideas (including an introduction & summary)

• Clarity of expression (sentence structure, grammar, spelling, punctuation)