Financial Crisis Experience of Thailand

Financial Crisis Experience of Thailand

Term paper instruction

Choose either of the following two topics:

One option is to review the growth performance of either China or India. In particular, you should:

  1. Follow the APA style strictly;
  2. Prepare a chart displaying both the level and growth of GDP per worker; 3.organize your discussion around the explanation of this chart;
  3. Explain what kind of economic reform has been carried out;
  4. Explain the role of investment;
  5. Explain the role of human capital accumulation;
  6. Discuss the role of trade expansion;
  7. Analyze the role of urbanization.

The other option is to review the financial crisis experience of either Thailand or South Korea. In particular, you should:

  1. Follow the APA style strictly;
  2. Prepare a chart displaying the dollar exchange rate three years before and after 1997/2008 financial crises (7 years all together) and another chart displaying the current-account balance as a ratio to GDP in the same manner as the exchange rate;
  3. Discuss economic growth before 1996;
  4. Discuss capital inflow before the crisis and outflow after the crisis;
  5. Discuss the exchange rate regime;
  6. Discuss domestic credit supply and asset price boom and bust;
  7. Explain and compare what happened during the Asian crisis in 1997 and their economic performance in response to the 2008 global financial crisis.

You are expected to recapture what is covered in my lectures. You also need to expand the substance of your paper with your own research. You need to consult, at least, three additional academic references, especially journal articles and their equivalent. A significant positive factor for demonstrating your knowledge and scholarship would be to annotate your bibliography, summarizing the contents and arguments of the sources you have used for your paper.

Other requirements are:

– Follow the APA citation style strictly.

– Be free of grammatical errors.

– The paper must be typed and double-spaced. The font size should be no smaller than 10 points and no bigger than 12 points.

– There is a title page that has a title, your name and ID and it is followed by a page with an abstract. (Plz using small title for each part)

– The main text body should have minimum four and maximum five pages, excluding the title page, reference pages, and tables and figures pages.