Managing Innovation: Innovation Report

Report Task
You are required to undertake research on two innovative organisations in the same sector (for example, BMW and Toyota) who have headquarters in different countries. You will write a 4,000 word report on the management of innovation in those organisations that must include the following sections:
1. An introduction to the two organisations and some of their main innovative end results.
2. Map and critique the innovation space of the two organisations setting out existing practice (i.e. outputs/outcomes).
3. Critically discuss the innovation strategy and management process employed in the organisations using Tidd and Bessant’s 4 step model (search, select, implement and capture).
4. Identify recommendations to improve the innovation management of the two organisations.
5. Provide a short conclusion to your innovation report assignment.

Key Points
1. Individual Work
You are to work individually.

2. Research approach
You should find the required information on the organization via secondary/desk (i.e. web, journal articles) research. Where needed you can use primary research to fill in any knowledge you are missing from secondary sources. You must clearly provide evidence to support the critical discussion in your report. English language sources are preferable, non-English sources are acceptable as long as a translation of the reference is provided.

3.Writing the Report
1. Write up your work in a report format. Your report should explicitly include all the items listed in the marking schedule below. It should be a maximum of 4,000 words in length. The word count excludes the following: references, appendices, table of content. Please include the word count on the title page.

Report format
• Front cover includes: module title and number, matriculation number, word count, report title
• Layout: 1.5 spacing, font arial, font size 12, pages are numbered.

4. Referencing & Plagiarism
It is essential that you provide appropriate referencing to avoid both the impression of plagiarism or that you are fabricating work. Please refer to ‘Be wise, don’t plagiarise’ at#guidelines Referencing criteria are also listed on Moodle. Please follow the APA referencing system. If you have any further questions related to referencing please ask your module leader, tutor or the Business school librarian.