Research proposal (plus bibliography) (2,000 words)

Required Component:
 Research proposal (plus bibliography) (2,000 words)
This assessment gives you the opportunity to independently plan a research study and review how you would pursue this project. The research proposal should outline how you would conduct an innovative research project on a criminological topic, explain its relevance to existing literature, and discuss the methods and approach you would use.
The research proposal should include:
 Your research question(s) with an explanation of why these are sociologically and criminologically interesting, making reference to relevant bodies of literature;
 A literature review on the topic showing how your project would contribute to original and valuable knowledge in the field;
 An account of the research design you propose to use to address these questions. You are encouraged to refer to pilot research that you have carried out in the course where appropriate (e.g., your ethnography or survey group work);
 A discussion of the ethical issues raised by the research project;
 An account of how you would plan to analyse the data;
 A discussion of any practical problems you expect to come across during the research process and reflections on how you might address these (e.g., potential issues of access); and
 A bibliography (Harvard style).
You will also be assessed on your writing style and grammar. You are expected to use a formal academic writing style with the correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations. Ensure you carefully proofread and edit your proposal before you submit it.