Personal Essay Assignment

Compose a personal essay of 1,050 words reflecting on a single event or period of time in your life. The essay should be told from the first-person point of view, and should have a clear focus. It should also provide or invite an interpretation that connects the event being narrated to some broader issue or question (you’re encouraged to use “Me Talk Pretty One Day” and “Notes of a Native Son” as inspiration for this approach). This effect can be achieved by relating the event and then providing your own interpretation; interspersing your interpretation within the narration; and/or narrating the event using symbolism or rhetorical techniques that suggest an interpretation. You will later develop this essay for an oral presentation to be delivered to the class, so please ensure that you choose a topic that you feel comfortable sharing with a large group.

The essay is to be submitted in MLA format. Essays that do not conform to MLA format will not be accepted.