Neoliberalism in Brazil

Question: For the past three decades transnational development institutions (WB, IMF, WTO)
insisted that neoliberal free-market policies were the best policy alternative to foster development
in countries in the Global South. Brazil a country of the Global South that adopted these policies
to answer the following question: did neoliberal development policies have a positive or a
negative impact on human development in Brazil?
Your answer should provide a) a brief historical review of the development profile of the country;
b) describe the specific neoliberal policies that were implemented; c) discuss their impact on the
country’s human development.
About essay:
It must be organized around a clear argument (thesis statement) addressing the essay question.
The discussion must be presented in the context of the issues and concepts discussed in class,
and must integrate relevant sources from class readings.

It should contain an introduction, a thesis statement (in bold), a main body, and a concluding
paragraph. Each paragraph must be clearly structured around a topic sentence (in bold).
Discussion of the THREE most important academic sources in the bibliography:
Indicate the following for each of these three sources: why is this source useful/relevant for your
essay? What is the main argument? What kind of data or argument from this source will you be
using? You should write around 250 words for each source. Note: at least one of these three
sources must be published after 2010.
List EIGHT scholarly sources that directly relate to your topic, using proper academic referencing
style. Include books, book chapters, and articles from academic journals (as opposed to
newspaper or magazine articles) indicating the library call numbers for each source. You may
also include a maximum of two documents produced by governments and/or development