Neo-classical Management Leader Paper

1. Write a 3 pages response summarizing what you have learned from ONE of the identified leaders about their leadership and why these points are important to you personally.

2. Use any one of the following neoclassical leaders: Robert Greenleaf, Margaret Wheatley, William Deming, Peter Drucker, Henry Mintzberg, Frederick Herzberg, Chester Bernard, Mary Follet, Abraham Maslow.

3. The content should be included:

– Introduction to the leader including their background.
Explain their theory in your words.

– What was the leader known for?

What was their inspiration?

What did they do that was different?

– How did their research/theory effect leadership today?

Can you give examples of their theory in use today?

– Conclusion

– Does this theory make sense in today’s world?

How will you use this leadership style to your benefit?