Key job redesign and job-crafting strategies

In the background materials you had a chance to read about the traditional “top down” approach
of job redesign as well as the newer “bottom up” approach of job crafting. Before starting on this
assignment, make sure you have thoroughly reviewed the readings and understand the key job
redesign and job-crafting strategies. Once you have finished reviewing the background materials,
apply what you’ve learned to the specific scenarios and questions below. Make sure to cite at
least one of the required readings for each answer and try to cite at least four of the readings in
your answer. Your paper should be 4–5 pages in length:• Answer the assignment questions
directly in 4 to 5 written pages.
• Stay focused on the precise assignment questions; don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of
space to summarizing general background materials.
• Make sure to use reliable and credible sources as your references. Articles published in
established newspapers or business journals/magazines are preferred. If you use articles from
the Internet, make sure they are from credible sources