Ethics Project – Business Law & Ethics

Ethics Project:  mandatory project and must be completed to pass this course. The project requirements are outlined below:

Ethics Project – Business Law & Ethics

Select a professional organization in your field of study, a professional organization that you would be a member of, not a company that you would go to work for. It is recommended that you confirm with your instructor the organization that you have chosen if not one of the following:

Business Management Retail Trade Association or specific industry management

Marketing: American Marketing Association or

Accounting: American Institute of CPA’s or Institute of Management Accountants or Institute of Management Accountants

Finance:  Association for Finance Professionals

Human Resources Management:  Society for Human Resource Management

Administrative Office Technologies: International Association of Administrative Professionals

Culinary:  American Culinary Federation

Others please check with instructor to verify that you are selecting the correct association.

Grading Rubric for the Ethics Project:

Obtain a copy of the code of professional ethics or professional conduct for this organization and address the following:

  1. Indicate why did you choose the organization you chose? How does it relate to your field of study or your professional field? 10 Points
  2. Summarize IN YOUR OWN WORDS the code of ethics and/or conduct. Do not rewrite the code and do not simply list the code. Be complete and thorough in your summary, including as much of the code in your discussion as possible. Include reasons why these points are important to a company and meaningful to your profession. This is the bulk of the points of your report, so you should be writing at least ½ of your report in this section. Attach documentation of the Code of Ethics to your report. 50 Points.
  3. After analyzing the code and points within that code, please discuss which point or points within the code are the most important in your opinion and why you feel those are the most important. This should be a separate paragraph summarizing the analysis of the code. 10 Points
  4. Research and discuss two examples of how the standards within the code were violated Find these violations of specific points of your code of ethics in professional publications or in newspapers by searching the internet for general violations (ie accounting fraud, marketing schemes, breach of confidentiality, etc.). Explain the violation, the results and effects, and the punishment given. To get your full points on this section, you must show specifically which points of your code were violated by the offender. Attach documentation of your violation to your report. 20 Points
  5. Appendix – Copy of the Code & Violation Documentation or functioning link. In text citations are not necessary 10 Points

Grammar & Length & presentation:  The paper should be double spaced with 1 inch margins & 12 point Font.  There should be no grammar or spelling mistakes and it should be professionally written. The paper must be 5 – 7 pages NOT including the appendix.  20 Points