(CES-D scale)/The Relationship Between Perceived Stress and Adolescent Depression

Scale Portfolio Assignmnet 

Applied Writing Assignment #1: Scale Portfolio

The material for this assignment is to be submitted in a folder with each section clearly marked. The below description provides an overview of the assignment; please see the Grading Sheet for step-by-step list of what must be included.

Section #1: Scale Development Article

1) Locate a measure of your construct. It cannot be a scale that must be purchased.
2) Provide an article which focuses on the development or validation of the scale.
3) Highlight in the article and label where the scale content is described. Content includes: number of items, scale format, scoring, instructions, norms (often means/SDs), reliability (often Cronbach’s alpha), and/or validity (often correlations with another related measure).
4) Highlight in the article and label where the scale items are provided, or provide them on a separate sheet if not included in the article

Section #2: Article Which Uses the Scale in a Study to Answer a Research Question

1) Identify an empirical study (last five years preferable) that uses the measure
2) Highlight in the article and label where the scale content is described. Content includes: number of items, scale format, scoring, instructions, norms (often means/SDs), reliability (often Cronbach’s alpha), and/or validity (often correlations with another related measure)

Section #3: Critique and Discussion of Measure (This section should be five pages long)

1) Introduce the construct and the two articles (.25 page)
2) Describe the scale – see Scale Description guideline n the Grading Sheet and cover every point (1.5 page)
3) Compare and contrast the information provided in the scale development article and the article which uses the measure to answer a question. How does the purpose of each article vary? (.25 page)
4) Describe the strengths of the scale, and discuss what types of applications the scale would be useful for (1.5 page)
5) Describe the limitations of the scale, and discuss how the limitations of the scale could be addressed by future research (1.5 page)
6) Provide complete citations (APA 6th edition) for both articles