Urban Infrastructure Law

Paper Instructions: 
The first paper (10 pages) – Theme foundation topic related to an area of urban infrastructure. Examples of Urban Infrastructure that can be use:
o Environmental Infrastructure – water and wastewater, waste disposal
o Transportation Infrastructure – including all forms, from walkways to highways to transit to ports to airports
o Community Infrastructure – including public buildings and spaces, natural areas and parks
o Energy, Technology and Telecommunications Infrastructure
o Health Care Infrastructure – hospitals
o Safety Infrastructure – policing, fire, paramedics
o Educational Infrastructure – schools, colleges, universities

– Elaborate around governance, ownership, regulation and planning for the urban infrastructure selected.

The second paper (20 pages)
Paper that expands on the foundation established in the first paper, by identifying:
– two or three issues or challenges associated with the selected infrastructure, and
– explore policies, laws, regulations and/or approaches that could address the issues and challenges.

Sources to be cited: 8

Core source to support (but not limited): Infrastructure Planning and Finance: A Smart and Sustainable Guide for Local Practitioners, by Vicki Elmer and Adam Leigland