Anthropology: Dancing Skeletons (Questions & Answers)

Questions for Dancing Skeletons

This review should be 8-10 double-spaced typed pages using no larger than 12 point font.  When you are discussing an event, etc., cite the page number(s) in parentheses where the information can be found in the book.  For example (234).  If you do not cite page numbers for information 10 points will be deducted from your grade.  Also be sure to paraphrase in other words, write in your own words, not directly from the book…the latter could lead to plagiarism.

Plagiarism or violation of procedures prescribed to protect the integrity of an assignment, such as 

  1. Submitting an assignment purporting to be the student’s original work which has been wholly or partly created by another person;
  2. Presenting as one’s own the work, ideas, representations, or words of another person without customary and proper acknowledgment of sources;
  3. Submitting as newly executed work, without faculty member’s prior knowledge and consent, one’s own work which has been previously presented for another class at Ball State University or elsewhere;
  4. Knowingly permitting one’s work to be submitted by another person as if it were the submitter’s original work. 



  1. Introduction — The first section of your review should be an introduction on what you plan to discuss. The introduction should be about a page in length.
  2. Body of the Paper — Address the following questions:
  3. Briefly describe Dettwyler’s study design and methods used for her research (ie. how did Dettwyler conduct her research). What was she trying to understand about growth patterns in malnourished children? What was her theory?  Where did she do her research and describe the area.
  4. What is culture shock? Provide two examples from the book. How do anthropologists handle the differences in cultures?
  5. How are children named in Mali and how were names a problem for Dettwyler’s research? What did Dettwyler do to solve the problem with children’s names?
  6. What ethnic groups live in Mali? Briefly describe the diversity of cultures in a paragraph for each.
  7. Describe Magnambougou where Dettwyler did much of her research. Describe Bambara culture.  How important was it for Dettwyler to know the Bambara language?  What are the major diseases affecting young children in Magnambougou?  Discuss one way these diseases could be eliminated.
  8. Discuss female circumcision. What is the local explanation for practicing the ritual. How, why, when etc. is it done?
  9. What is schistosoma? What causes it? How was the presence of this disease explained by the Bozo tribe of northern Mali?
  10. What is Kwashiorkor? Where is it likely to be found and what causes it?  How is it treated and what are the difficulties with treating it?  What is the story behind “Kafoune”?
  11. What is Dettwyler’s view on food availability and poor nutrition? How does she think the problems of poor nutrition can be remedied?  As a scientist, how would you respond to Dettwyler’s idea?
  12. How do the different cultural patterns lead to the spread of disease and other illnesses within a group? Discuss at least two different cultures.  Using evolutionary theory how might the continued existence of certain diseases in the two human groups be explained?
  13. Discuss marriage patterns, views on children, views on food, and the division of labor by sex. Given these characteristics of the culture, how well do you think the people Dettwyler studied would assimilate in the U.S.? What would you consider the three major problems they would face coming to America and what would you suggest as ways of eliminating these problems?

III.       Conclusion — Discuss briefly what you liked and did not like about the book.  For example, did you enjoy a particular chapter or chapters, or a specific topic or topics.

When discussing a particular event etc., be sure cite the page number where discussed in the book.