Reason for the Rising Cost of Health Care in Correctional Institution

No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper.
Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page
Important: Before beginning this assignment, read all of the assignments for the course. In
Project 2 you will be asked to report on a Best Practice to address the issue identified in Project
1. In the Final Project you will be required to develop an implementation plan to introduce the
Best Practice into an organization.

Project Objectives
To research a specific issue (Healthcare in Correctional Institutions) in the field of correctional
To critically analyze journal articles that reflects current or recent perspectives on that issue.
The United States incarcerates a higher percentage of the population than any other nation in
the world. The cost to provide healthcare to inmates represents 20% or more of most states
operating budgets. Inmates are, for the most part, less healthy than the non-incarcerated
population of the US. This group engages in high risk behavior (e.g. drug use, violent behavior,
unprotected sexual activity, etc.) at a higher rate than the general population and is less likely to
seek medical attention prior to their incarceration.
Find two (2) journal articles relating to the rising costs to provide healthcare to inmates in
correctional institutions.

The Library is an excellent source for journal articles.
See Resources>Library on the classroom toolbar, or see Content>Guide to Criminal Justice
Identify at least three reasons why healthcare costs are increasing in correctional institutions.
Is the increase in spending on healthcare due to legal or ethical reasons?
Summarize the main points of both articles and then compare those main points. Do the articles
reach the same conclusion?
Reasons for the Rising Costs of Healthcare in Correctional Institutions.
Format Requirements:
Paper should be a minimum of three, maximum of five pages in APA format.
Narrative pages; Double space, 12 pt. font

1″ margins
Use APA format guidelines for all in-text and reference page citations
Include reference page using APA format guidelines (not included in page count)
NOTE: All source materials cited on the reference page must have a corresponding in-text
citation in the narrative of the paper.
Additionally create a cover page for you assignment (not included in the page count)
Include your name
Course title and number
Project title
Date of Submission