Development in Play in Kids Aged 6 and Younger

Purpose: This project is to help one see a Child’s development while they are doing something they do every day: play.
Students will do an hour-long observation of children (6 and under) playing. The student will take notes during the observations of all the
interactions, things children play with and if parent support was give/if it was needed. The notes should be very detailed.
The observation can be done at a playground or a child care program where children get to spend the time observed in play. Child must be in Free play. Not guided by an adult. You should not be involved in the play. You are to be an observer.
After the observation, the student will use what they have learned in class, the text, and resources given to you, to explain examples of the
child’s development. An example of this is if you observe children climbing up a slide and balancing up the top and pushing his body down the slide, one might be able to talk about his gross motor skills he is learning, perceptual motor development, cause and effect and force. They would use the resource to support their knowledge of these statements. You will need to make specific references to the textbook to support what you are explaining. You will need to explain how what you saw is an example of this area of development.
In your paper you also show minimum 1 example of children using a types of play. These types of play are: Solitary, Onlooker, Parallel,
Associative, and Cooperative. You will need to show an example of the children using one of these types. Explain what it is in your own words (Cite the textbook). Last you will explain how what you saw is an example of this type of play.
Use the outline provided to help you create an outline for your paper.
Observe a child or children in play for 1 hour. Children should be under 6 years of age. You will take detailed notes about this observation and turn in your rough notes. Don’t need to be typed but need to be legible.
Notes need to be timed in 15 minute increments.
Observations can be taken at a playground or in a child care setting. They cannot be of your own child.

Write a 2-3 page paper about what you saw during the observation (give examples) and connect it to the learning and development of the child.
You should site what we have learned in class, the text and the resources I give you to support your claims. I should see 3 places where you
cites the text or resources.

In the paper, you should use minimally 3 points of the observation of explain development

You should also note what type of play you see the children engaging in (Sollitary, cooperative etc.)
Paper should be double space, 12 point font and 1 inch margin.
Please note if you are just going to a park please bring this form in case parents want to know why you are watching children. This and possibly
the syllabus will hopefully put children at ease.
Paper is written in APA Style
Make sure to cite correctly. Use the website (Links to an
external site.)
Do not cite other researchers in the textbook. Cite Kuther because that is where you read it.
Do not say the textbook says. The textbook cannot speak, it is the author who is saying it. Kuther states….
Take paper to the writing center to have it reviewed.
Do not use other resources that I have not given you
You don’t need a cover page, running header, work cited page.