Use of Force by Law Enforcement Officers. Law Enforcement Use of Force

Use of Force by Law Enforcement Officers. Law Enforcement Use of Force 

Topics in Criminal Justice  

The midterm exam will consist of a research paper intended to measure students’ understanding
and analysis of critical topics in criminal justice within the past fifty years. The paper will show
evidence of students’ mastery of course objectives and of students’ comprehension of course
material covered in the class, including material from the reading text book and group
discussion. Students will be required to choose a topic from a variety of areas related to the
course objectives. This assignment will be submitted in Canvas and is due on March 27,
2020. Grading criteria and grading rubrics are provided below:
Suggested Research topics
Diversity and inclusion in law enforcement Law Enforcement Use of Force
Police-Community Relations Defining Terrorism and US Homeland
Crime and Economy Criminal Justice and the Future of Terrorism
Police Brutality and Community Relations Punishment and its applicability in the 20th
Century Correctional Policy
Contemporary Policing and Reforms Restorative Justice Processes and Promises
Community Policing DNA Evidence in Criminal Justice
Media, Police, and Community Trust Child Pornography and Challenges for
Criminal Justice
Critical Issues in Law Enforcement Globalization and Transnational Problem in
Criminal Justice
US Immigration and Future of Criminal Justice Mental Health and Criminal Justice
Transitional Justice
Research Paper Outline
The paper must be typed and double spaced in a size 12 font with standard 1inch margins and in
APA style. See the APA style guide (in the announcement area of the Canvas website) to
reference in APA style. The body of the paper must be 3 to 5 pages. Students must use at least
four (4) references. One (1) of these must be a book, not counting the course text book. The other
sources can be an internet source, professional/academic journal, or a magazine.
Papers must be organized and include the following:
• Title Page
• Outline or Table of Contents
• Body of the paper, minimum of 3 pages
• References
• Appendix (Optional)
The research paper is worth 20 points. Paper must be APA format. NO “Abstract” page is
needed. Your paper must include all of these elements to receive full credit:

Posted in Law