Fire Engineering Simulations and Report

Fire Engineering Simulations and Report
This is a sprinklered 5-storey shopping mall with smoke extraction system. The entire
mall has been split into 3 fire compartments (i.e. Arcade 1, Atrium & Arcade 2) by
automatic fire shutters as shown below. The layout of the mall is shown in the sketch
below. The ceiling-to-floor height is assumed to be 4m.
Each student needs to complete the following tasks:
1. CFAST is a zone model that divide the compartment into two control volumes,
a relatively hot upper layer and a relatively cool lower layer, please derive the
system of ordinary differential equation for the compartment pressure. Each
student shall use CFAST to simulate the impact of fires and smoke in the
building environment for 10 minutes duration. The smoke layer height, smoke
temperature and gases concentration of the fire compartments shall also be
reported. (30 Marks)
2. Each student shall also use the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) to predict the
following for 10 minutes duration: (40 Marks)
Temperature distribution;
CO concentration;
Soot visibility distribution;
Radiation heat flux along the egress route.
3. Please propose the smoke extraction system with recommended flowrate to
extent the ASET of the shopping mall. (30 Marks)
Not to scale
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Each student shall:
state the assumptions,
state boundary conditions,
state approaches;
reporting the simulation results and related screenshots captured in
Smokeview for each fire scenario;
maximum 30 pages and printed on both sides.