Review The National Association Of County And City Health Officials. (2016) Article.

To prepare for this section of the Course Project: 

  • Review the National Association of County and City Health Officials. (2016) article. Reflect on the legalities of advocacy work.
  • Consider any legal or ethical barriers that your employment setting may have on your ability to implement your advocacy plan.
  • Navigate some of the special interest group websites listed in the Learning Resources (e.g. ACT UP and American Cancer Society) and research some additional special interest groups that relate to your topic.
  • Reflect on how you might use special interest groups in the community in your efforts to create public health policy change.
  • Think about the potential social change implications of your advocacy efforts.

To complete this section of your Course Project, address the following:

  • Explain any legal or ethical barriers that your past, current or future employment setting may have on your ability to implement your advocacy plan.
  • Explain how you might use special interest groups to create public health policy change.
  • Describe potential social change implications of your advocacy efforts.